Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Could you imagine the tantrum if someone luckboxed a victory after an attempted concession?

In Texas, you’re allowed to use an AR-15 in your tantrum.


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Just lol so much lol.

sad thing is most people in this thread are following Tucker and Brett’s instructions to the letter. Need to get out there and show your support for Fox News shitcanning Tucker and break the boycott.

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lol Brett Favre restricted comments on his account.

What a fucking pussy. Guess people were calling him out on stealing money from Mississippi welfare programs and directing it to a volleyball court for his daughter’s school.

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Never felt that white power vibe with Favre. The other explanation , and I think his actions have demonstrated this, is he is just that stupid?

he’s from mississippi


Plus a lot of hits to the head. But yeah think he was already going in that direction given the Dick pics.

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Pretty sure Nancy is the one going on about Biden and prostitution rings and shit no?


Earth shattering news in the newsosphere.

I’m the US that’s mainstream Center right.

I’ll never forget you, Tabitha Soren.


What will Kurt Loder possibly do now???

You are?!