Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Like who are Holmes’ “victims” who the justice department delivered justice for? Literally the worst people in the world. Rupert Murdoch. Betsy Devos. Henry Kissinger. The Walton family.

Like I said, those are her real victims. She wasn’t convicted of any of those counts. And if those were the only people she hurt she certainly wouldn’t have been prosecuted.

So your point is she had real victims and she is going to prison but not on those counts so somehow it’s not good?

No. My point is in my original post. It’s like 60 words long.

12 years in prison for someone thinking they had a miscarriage when they didn’t? People often don’t get 12 years in prison for manslaughter. Perpetrating fraudulent tests on unknowing patients is a legitimate crime but 12 years is probably excessive. And of course, that’s not what she was convicted of and not why she was prosecuted. She was prosecuted because she defrauded billionaire investors. To which I’d say, caveat emptor baby.

This is exactly how I would assume someone like him views female sexuality. I’m guessing he has had very little exposure to sex and most of it comes from porn.


I think a good replacement might be Diamond or Silk. Whichever one is still alive.


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Robin Hood was hated by the intelligentsia in his time, too



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Recent sighting


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He’s running


Megyn just isn’t very bright.


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The conservatives demand that we debate among solutions they accept, and they seem to always get their way. Maybe we aren’t very bright?


Presented without comment


Well OK, but I have read “Bad Blood” and there was an anecdote in there about how Holmes was such a winning-obsessed narcissist that when she played Monopoly with her family and the game got to a point where it was obvious she was winning, she would make everyone play it out to the end instead of conceding. 12 years in jail seems lenient for this.


Jordan did the same thing.

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