Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

It’s also probably a warning shot from Fox at Tucker. They’ve probably got a lot more and worse dirt on him that they would gleefully release if he tries to go after them.

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I wish I could find a picture of a cartoon I saw in MAD magazine in the late 70’s. The first frame showed four white boys chasing after two black boys, and in the second frame it shows two tougher looking black boys chasing after the four white boys running away.

So, it seems like Nate has the model, but Disney keeps the 538 name. Wonder how much another outlet will be willing to pay for Nate, especially if Disney continues to use the brand and gets traffic from folks who will continue to use 538 out of habit?


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It’s super weird to keep the name but not the model but I guess it goes well with the style over substance angle of so much news today. They assume the audience will just go to 538 and don’t care if the actual predictions are accurate.

Yep. And, as others have stated, it’s not too hard to build another model that can probably be ~ as accurate [which I’m defining as accurate enough that differences between the models will not be completely obvious given relatively small sample sizes and the polarized electorates in many races]

Nate: “538 has the best…averages…in the business.”

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And the only hard part, the uncertainty, can just be kludged together to be close to the same as Nate’s fancy model. No one will know the difference because Nate didn’t publish his methodology anyway.

It’s overtly racist to the point that even the Fox people sat up and took notice (not because they care, but because it probably exposed them to even more lawsuits and bad press).

Yes white men do it behind closed doors and through entrenched power structures. The honorable way.


Tucker Carlson another victim of the War on Comedy.

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Parts of the text don’t seem separable. The explicitly racist part is somehow the least visceral. The description of his internal experience of enjoying violence is, at least to me, far more … horrifying, really. It’s the part that isn’t an act. But then he withdraws from it – but the withdrawal itself is racist, or into racism.

What scared ME most of all about the text was the gleeful reaction to the violence, and realizing tens of millions of people in this country are right there with him or beyond, incapable of the second (albeit performative and still awful) part.


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Do people still believe Tucker is a grifter who doesn’t believe what he says?

Why not both? Grifter and racist scumbag?

Some people like to argue that right wingers aren’t true believers. We should treat them as if they are.

Yes. This is essentially the BruceZ “I’m not a racist, I’m just playing a racist character” argument.

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CNN promoting Trump town hall as if he’s a normal person.

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The CNN heel turn is really going to potentially be a problem heading into 2024 imo. They are basically turning into Fox News Lite which is a good business decision but obviously horrible for the country.