Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Shocked tha CNN has the cash to lure him away.

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Holy crap Tucker is basically a license to print money, why would Fox ever let go of that? Is there a dead hooker story about to drop?

Are we sure he got fired? I haven’t paid attention much lately, but certainly seems like he could be running for President. The timing is right, at least. And I don’t think that would be good news at all. He knows how to manipulate the rubes. Could win for sure imo.

Why would you quit a prime time show if you are running for president? That would be his one asset. Also he would have no shot.

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We’re not sure. And if he is running, then I don’t think it would be likely that he could keep a one-hour tv show and use it as a platform for his campaign. But you would think he would be smart enough to know not to run for President, given how much easier and more fun it would be to do what he is doing.

I would think that if he was leaving under his own terms, he has his little farewell address where they throw him a pizza party, show his “best of Tucker” clips, and basically celebrate all of his achievements at the network. Issuing a terse announcement that they “mutually agreed to part ways, and btw his last show was Friday” sure sounds like he was shitcanned to me.

I mean everyone’s got their theories but it’s probably just the most obvious one. $$$$$$

Wishful thinking, but Tuck is going to struggle to get access to a huge audience wherever he reemerges. It’s either Newsmax or the Ben Shapiro grinding out Facebook clicks route.

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Is Tucker WOKE?


I know at least one person who will be upset, bought his books and shit. I want to send a text to gloat but probably best not to. :slightly_frowning_face:

if he announces tomorrow he immediately jumps over Desantis in the polls

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at first i’d assume he thinks he can make more money on his own, but the “his last show already happened” thing makes me think it’s not exactly amicable.

Didn’t Fox quietly get rid of Dan Bongino too? Thought I saw that somewhere

If he does run, we’re going to have to bust out Oprah to counter this.

His ratings were good, highest in the business. He signed a huge contract in 2021, well after major advertisers left him. From Fox’s perspective, how could he be performing better?

Wonder if it was part of the settlement terms


This - if it was amicable they’d have a whole month of crap celebrating him/transitioning to new host as that would be good for ratings plus help the new host take over. For some reason, Fox clearly decided it had to immediately get rid of him.

Maybe he can become Trump’s VP pick?

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fox had apparently already teased an interview Tucker was supposed to have on tonight… lol. it was abrupt.

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One of the few things I can think of as a possible explanation is that FOX wanted to tone his shit down, and Tucker wasn’t having it. I think the higher-ups at FOX have finally realized that in their ever-lasting search for profits, they have created a very destructive monster for the nation. Or not. Ha. They give zero fucks about anything but their stock prices, etc.