Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

WSJ and NYT opinion departments need to be offered a one way trip.

To hell

Logan Roy fuck off dot gif


Ari Melber, one of the few I can still stomach really pissed me off last night fear mongering about the foreperson as if his own network wouldn’t sabotage the case in a second for ratings

It’s almost like she has a publicist pushing a narrative


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I have this sweet summer child fantasy that the next generation of current evil billionaires are hiding their liberal politics until the old man dies and they get control of the money

And then I remember Don jr

Plus all of these fucks are going to give huge sums to conservative causes at death so they continue to influence our lives for perpetuity.



I have the same inability to understand this fantasy as I do the fantasy some portion of gay men have about straight men making an exception for the fantasizer

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Stealing from the Book of Tyson: Republicans want small government until a train derailment punches them in the face.

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“I don’t trust the government,” said Joe Botinovch, a self-employed flower shop owner who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 but is shopping for a different candidate now and likes Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. He, too, hasn’t enjoyed the sudden burst of attention from former presidents and presidential candidates.

“The only presidents I want to see are dead presidents in my wallet,” he said. “They’re using East Palestine like China and Russia and the U.S. are using Ukraine. It’s a proxy war.”

It’s like the onion’s American voices…

Joe Botinovich, Self Employed Flower Shop owner “The only presidents I want to see are dead presidents in my wallet”

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Fox News is bleating about him and his qualifications nonstop.

Homophobia always front and center. Every time I surf past that channel there’s something awful on it that the target demographic mainlines directly into their veins.
Stepmom is sure to mention Pete next time I see her and I’m going to tell her I’m glad she finally sees the benefits of strictly regulating these industries and make her watch Last Week Tonight’s bit on it and tell me how her heroes at FNC suddenly became ardent defenders of the environment. Should be fun.


I wonder why they care so much more about the people in small town Ohio than they do in Flint, MI. Just a mystery I guess.

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They’ll stop caring soon. They just need to milk it for political benefit a little longer.

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PA just over the border. Former AG and now Gov Shapiro will be highly litigious

Will see how Ohio stands up for its residents.

They want him to win part infinity



I swear my brain made that the Onion masthead.


LOL this one

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Buying more candles


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