Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

At this point, I think there’s a decent chance that Fox News is operating a secret pedophile ring. What’s worse than that?

Two separate secret pedophile rings.

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Reps. Katie Porter, Adam B. Schiff and Barbara Lee all claim the progressive mantle, an almost essential ingredient for any politician hoping to put together a winning Senate campaign in a state that champions gun control, abortion rights, marriage equality and combating climate change. They face the difficult task of defining themselves in a heavily Democratic electorate that may struggle to distinguish what separates them.

“California is not going to elect a Republican. And they’re not going to elect a centrist. The question is what kind of progressivism is most important” to voters, said Dan Schnur, a politics professor at UC Berkeley, USC and Pepperdine University. “These three candidates represent very different strains of progressivism.”

Barbara Lee is 76. Why is she running?

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Turns out old people like money and power as much as younger ones?


I keep forgetting what an outrageous piece of shit Buckley was.

The paper infamously allowed William F. Buckley Jr. to demand that people with AIDS be tattooed, like concentration camp victims, to mark them out from the rest of society.

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Sounds like my plan for January 6 insurrectionists.

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I have a plan, sire.



Buckley was the OG Reasonable Conservative.

and not 48 hours after the texts bombshell…

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I have an idea


It’s going to be really fun watching the WSJ justify DeSantis being fully pro-Russia

I think it’s because people keep having shooting related incidents with the police. People should stop doing that!

Economic anxiety!


Pretty good passage imo.

When we get around to skipping lunch and dinner as well we’ll all be on the fast track to FIRE. Notify the other thread!