Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Matty got the mute from me like 6 months ago. Great decision.

I spent too much time listening to bill simmons years ago, but one thing actually stuck with me, he was just rattling off about how awesome the celtics were going to be in the upcoming season and Chuck Klosterman stopped him and said “is that what you THINK or is that what you HOPE” and bill actually fell silent for a minute and it was obvious that he had never even considered the difference.

Doesnt’ this simple mean that the young, better educated and urban pull to the left?
The starting point for the GOP is right and they are being pulled towards the center while the Democrats start center-left and are being pulled towards the left.
The correct conclusion from this is that the center is wrong.

Not pitchbot


Side note from the replies:


so yeah…that debate actually…HELPED Fetterman. The media just sucks.



Sadly, it could mean that dumb, hateful rural voters like politicians who they think have brain damage.

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I choose to believe it means that the majority of the good people in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are not ableist, and could see that while John Fetterman is having trouble speaking, he’s not having trouble thinking, and is fit to be a senator. Score one for good people!


If the debate actually influenced anything, it was probably people seeing Oz and thinking “LOL, what a dork”.

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It’s also possible that the “local political leaders” abortion comment hurt him more than we (or certainly I) would have expected.

I wrote last week of where I think we’re going, and why: a very good night for Republicans, with both houses of Congress won and some surprising governorships taken. The wave we are in has been building since the spring and summer of 2020 and the protests and riots sparked by the killing of George Floyd. That period has never been fully appreciated as the time of trauma and disorder it was, with small businesses going up in flames and some downtowns turning into war zones. It was just about that point the Democratic Party made it obvious they’d gone far left on issues of crime and punishment. Then Afghanistan, illegal immigration, inflation and wokeness in the schools. Those things would leave voters turning against a ruling party, and taking from it some of its power.

Catching up on this thread post-election is glorious.


I tapped out after three paragraphs. No one in the biz is more insufferable than Peggy.


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Peggy has moar thoughts:

Gee Peggy I wonder why this happens:

How about doing your job? Get the mail-in ballots, count them, hold them in a vault until the polls close, and announce the numbers, along with the Election Day vote, that night.

Long counts are not only sloppy, they are abusive. It is in the delay between polls closed and outcome announced that the mischief begins. It’s where conspiracism takes hold. They stole the boxes with the ballots last Thursday—my cousin’s friend saw it.

Donald Trump: not condescending

The policy positions of Trumpism always had constructive elements. He helped bust the party from its mindless establishment rut, broke the party from its recent always-up-for-a-war impulse and from the condescension of its political strategists toward the working class.

I’ve seen this take elsewhere and it’s pure gaslighting bullshit. Conspiricism is taking hold because the Republican Party is full of shameless liars peddling conspiracies to credulous morons. They’d be doing the same thing if the election was over in a day. Stop making excuses for these assholes and their behavior.

Daddy Trump hits you because you mocked the working class. It’s your fault he hits, actually.


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Ah yes, a return to the “normalcy” of George W Bush. Moving forward, Trump is going to be super useful for the GOP as a way of whitewashing how radical and deranged their pre-2016 politics was.


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Not reading but Jfc. One thing about providing capital, it’s working 24/7 so you’re working 24/7. But you fucking lazy assholes that want to go to the doctor or slip out to your kids school event….