Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

They know she’s dead right?

That’s her last laugh - she doesn’t have to live through all this shit.


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RBG did indeed get the last laugh on all the people that own Notorious RBG t-shirts but live in a dystopian Handmaid’s Tale because she was too narcissistic to retire before she died .


She was just doing a solid for her buddy Scalia by also dying on the bench.


Oh good

Documents submitted to the bankruptcy court show that Infowars’ owners have drawn more than $62 million out of the business since the start of 2021.

That’ll teach him!

The Paradox of Tolerance in full effect

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They got me back for $1 for 6 months lol. $4/week after that. Their business model is built on people being too lazy/inattentive to react when the price goes back up.



“Polarized” is maybe the dumbest, least helpful adjective in the business.

I didn’t realize my discounted NYT subscription lapsed and they got 2 months at 16 dollars before I did the song and dance of threatening to cancel to get back to 4 dollars a month

Imagine writing that fucking headline and not

Two worst “democrats” let tiny shell of former bill squeak by.

I think we should give them medals.

One tip for people who want don’t want to circumvent paywalls (or pay directly) is that often your local public library will have access to all these newspapers and there are ways that you can get access to them through your library’s website if you’ve got a library card. It’s your tax dollars at work!

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Maybe nobody actually reads NYT opinion pieces unless they’re awful and they’ve figured this out?

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woke is when not white