Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

What was the preparation for Mitch just saying “Fuck no”? There is no need for prep there. It was always a viable option given how the Senate runs. Someone just needed to actually do it.

I will agree, though, that it’s the biggest thing that they intentionally did. By far.

Obama could have and should have done a recess appointment to push the issue.

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haha what the hell

I am a little fuzzy on the mechanics of this. I thought the senate just did pro forma sessions so they’re technically never in recess. I think there might be some exceptions, but I’d need to look into it again. It has been a while.

The mechanics is just fucking do it. Sure, maybe it gets shut down somewhere down the line, but at least you tried.

Obama could have just said “well, the senate is being derelict in its duty regarding advise and consent, so fuck you he’s in”.


Yeah I mean surely there was a better option than, “Well, we’re favored in the presidential election anyway so let’s just give the Republicans a massively high EV freeroll.”

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From March 2021.

But in some cases, Substack has also shelled out one-off payments to help convince some writers to become Substack writers, and in some cases those deals are significant. Yglesias says that when it lured him to the platform last fall, Substack agreed to pay him $250,000 along with 15 percent of any subscription revenue he generates; after a year, Yglesias’s take will increase to 90 percent of his revenue, but he won’t get any additional payouts from Substack.

As Yglesias told me via Slack (he stopped working as a Vox writer last fall but still contributes to Vox’s Weeds podcast), the deal he took from Substack is actually costing him money, for now. Yglesias says he has around 9,800 paying subscribers, which might generate around $860,000 a year.

Ezra Kline and Yggy Vox podcast was goat. Then Vox went super woke (some trans staffer said Yggy made her feel unsafe, or something because he signed some anodyne petition) and lost Ezra and Matt, and it’s now a shell of it’s former self. I mean if you’re Woker than Ezra, you got problems.

Moral of the story, business people shouldn’t treat their stars (and founders) as replacement level staffers, or the organization dies. Really, Vox took a fatal blow when it when all in on FBs pivot to video. Now they need podcasts but all their good talent has been swiped so their stuck with replacement level millennials.

He did that. He said these pro forma sessions really are recesses and made some recess appointments. GOP senators obviously objected. It worked its way through the courts and the SC ruled against Obama. I think it was 9-0.

Ezra and Iggy are like exactly what’s wrong with left media. They’re way more interested in looking smart to other smart people than helping advance an agenda.

Contrast with Republican media.

He could’ve made another attempt on the day the new congress was sworn in since they have to be out of session when most of them aren’t sworn in. Probably would’ve also gotten struck down and only would’ve been good for a year tops but nothing to lose at that point anyway.

Right, and I’m saying he should have done it anyway. Show me that you’re trying.

The main thing distinguishing Yggy from folks like Bari Weiss is that he’s completely open about the fact that he’s lazy and doesn’t really put any thought into things. It’s like how Trump just openly admits to doing crimes and thereby no one can stop him, Matt just admits he doesn’t care and people give him $10 a month for it.

I just don’t understand this take. He’s a Harvard philosophy grad who taught himself pretty advanced monetary policy and knocks out 5k words a week with original takes on a whole range of topics. I sub because he’s one of the few genuinely smart media people around. If you think his content is mainly what’s retweeted by edgy lefties who’ve read two books by Foucault and the first 100 pages of Kapital, you don’t have a clear picture. He’s been left his whole life, but in a liberal vein.

Bari Weiss is just a sub replacement tier culture warrior type, too dumb and not influential to warrant any interest.

Harvard! lol

This looks like a rhetorical device, pretty sure he’s big on clean air, water, etc. Where’s the full article?

Or he seems to be saying he cares more about those things than endangered species. I’d like to see the argument. Some new grasshopper species shouldn’t take precedence over the interstate highway system.

I’m confused because it sounds like he did exactly that.

Wasn’t iggy all in for the Iraq war? Disqualifying

He was a raving war-happy idiot. Harvard!

In 2002, Yglesias was a strong supporter of invading Iraq, Iran and North Korea, calling the countries on his blog “evil” and stating that “we should take them all out,” although he was critical of the term “axis of evil.”[36][37] Later, in 2010, he called his attitudes about the war a mistake.[38]

I mean if we’ve learned anything at all it’s not to be impressed by Harvard. Jesus Christ

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RFC : from now on any reference to an ivy League school should be replaced with the phrase rich white boy rapist factory.


He’s a rich white boy rapist factory graduate who writes 5000 words a week.

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