Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Ah yeah, I only follow USMNT

43 here and I know exactly what this is.



Carson GOAT

Easy there, shooter. And everyone else saying “these volunteers can fuck right off.” Congressional campaigns provide internship and volunteer opportunities to young people that give them experience for when they actually want to get paid gigs or run themselves. Of in the case of high school age volunteers, something to put on their college applications, etc. In many places, it’s work for a centrist dem or work for no one.

If no one runs against Pelosi, or the person running against her as a “progressive” is actually a grasping, opportunistic, tech-bro misogynist, then the choice becomes harder.

Well, certainly not by telling them to fuck off while they’re text or phone banking.

Well, fundraising texts are usually bots. So you’re yelling into space. GOTV or persuasion texts are sent by and answered by real people. So then you’re just yelling at a volunteer. In neither case will Nancy Pelosi ever see your response. Your response will not ever convince the volunteer to “reconsider their life choices.”

Also, if you are all under the impression that every volunteer for every candidate agrees 100% with every position or action that candidate has ever taken, the joke’s on you, I guess. No one would ever have any volunteers if that was the case.


Exactly, the entry point to the eDem machine is volunteering for absolute pieces of shit like Nancy Pelosi and anything anyone can do to disrupt that is doing it right

Fair enough.

I’m not saying tell the volunteer to fuck off directly. I’m saying they can fuck off, like I don’t think the response texts need to be crafted to make them happy. I know when people told me they hated a candidate I knocked on the door for or the Democratic Party all together, I didn’t take it personally. If they just told me to fuck off or slammed a door in my face, that was different.

It would be interesting to know what percentage of them receiving abuse conclude that they should be more progressive. I don’t think it would be an encouraging number.

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We got him!

They’re in on it

Because we all know how hard it is to get Republicans on TV


What’s so funny? Its pretty gross. Much grosser than Billy or Roger. Not in the same galaxy as selling the 666 building to the Qataris or getting Chinese patents while working in the White House. But still newsworthy and gross.

Lol he was a private citizen and there is zero new information here. It was sleazy, it’s been fully covered, the end. Contrast with Trumps kids who held actual government positions while doing far worse - never hear a word about it. Also this - above all they are just plain fucking lazy.


My local “paper” just copy and pasted the wapo article. I have never seen them do this.

Opinion | What if Putin Didn’t Miscalculate? - The New York Times

“Under the guise of an invasion, Putin is executing an enormous heist,” said Canadian energy expert David Knight Legg. As for what’s left of a mostly landlocked Ukraine, it will likely become a welfare case for the West, which will help pick up the tab for resettling Ukraine’s refugees to new homes outside of Russian control. In time, a Viktor Orban-like figure could take Ukraine’s presidency, imitating the strongman-style of politics that Putin prefers in his neighbors.

If this analysis is right, then Putin doesn’t seem like the miscalculating loser his critics make him out to be.


Bret’s got a bit of a strawman here where it’s either Putin bet everything on capturing Kiev and if he doesn’t then he has to go home and he’s declared the loser, or he can keep the territory he captured and have it declared that was his plan all along. Why can’t it be both? Putin thought he’d stroll into Kiev so he sent troops that way that got killed and he invaded from the south and west and has taken land there.



Right Tucker. Normal people just want to fuck Babs Bunny and the Green M&M

this is the “trump is playing 4D chess, actually” syndrome

The Wall Street Journal has gone full crazy. These are the “responsible” Republicans Democrats think are going to ride to the rescue.

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