Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Please don’t do this. Sure, this one might be a robot, but during election season when thousands of volunteers are textbanking for candidates, you might just be responding to some kid that doesn’t know what to say back.

Or you’ll get the jaded one who posts a screenshot in slack so everyone can laugh at you.

Or the poor field organizer who’s been awake for 19 hours and on their 10th coffee has to come up with a response for that kid to use that is nice and conciliatory and in no way makes the candidate look bad.

Just type stop and move on.

I cannot tell you how many times I responded to something like this as a human and shocked the hell out of people who thought it was a robot.

A field organizer


You were a field organizer for Pelosi? In a primary?

I’m sorry but sometimes you get what you signed up for lol. I haven’t done the field organizer thing nearly as much as you have, but I have probably done 400 hours worth… and yeah it wasn’t for Nancy.

She should be paying people market rate to do anything.

Lol anyone working for Nancy Pelosi can fuck right off

And if it’s a volunteer the sooner they realize that ain’t it the better

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This place. always missing the forest for the trees.

I don’t give a shit who the volunteer is working for. They are a human being who is not the candidate. They don’t deserve to be treated that way.


It’s not even mistreating that person! It’s expressing a negative opinion of other people!

If an unsolicited text message is signed “Nancy Pelosi”, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to respond as if Nancy Pelosi were on the other side of the chat.

And keep in mind that we’re talking about Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein. This isn’t a case of a D candidate in a purple/red district whose views I might not completely agree with.

If they retired, they would be replaced with better people 100 out of 100 times.

Literally no one should be working for them to keep their jobs.


It is, though. Nancy ain’t seeing that, and everyone here knows it. It either is screaming into the void, or screaming at some underpaid nobody.


Yeah, fair point. I retract that one.

My other point of “literally nobody should be working for them” stands.

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This x100. Anyone working for Pelosi in a primary can fuck off. If they realize the error of their ways and knock it off, then good for them and they can un-fuck-off. Until then they’re literally trying to help keep an 82-year-old, establishment protecting, progressive-crushing party leader in power for a couple more years.


this would be a better response to the text volunteer, then just screaming into your iphone, or dunking with “you suck”.


What’s the best way to try to sway this person to reconsider their life choices?

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If you’re willing to do most effective instead of best, probably criminal death threats. Right up your alley.

I admit that I find it odd that low level people take those saying mean things about their boss on the internet personally when the jerk doesn’t even know their name.

Young liberals probably start off thinking people like Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein are part of the solution, not the problem. The faster we can fix that the better.

This is like yelling at the girl working the Chick-Fil-A drive thru. C’mon, there are better ways to vent.


Disagree. Texted me uninvited. (I imagine its from GiveBlue or whatever its called.) Give $14 before midnight? Wtf is that? fo. I can’t imagine yelling at a fast food worker unless they were like putting arsenic in a big mac or assaulting a child.

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There are parts of the US soccer internet where raging in the comments about your team after a loss will get you scolded for hurting the feelings of the Twitter admin.

Well they would give a 600% match but, aww shucks, Joe Manchin said no.

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As someone who subscribes to a lot of us soccer twitter, where is this. sounds juicy.

Mostly NWSL.