Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

“I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, Jeff Zucker Is Forced To Resign Day.”

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Onion. Too many big words.


Can someone ELI5 this whole Jeff Zucker thing to me. I only read one article about it and it was sparse on details.

What is the exact misconduct that is alleged? It sounds like Zucker and her were at CNN for a very long time. Was he her boss when the relationship started? Or was it after he was President and very definitely her boss? Or was it that they had relationship and he favored her because of it?

Well, it goes way back to Zucker being one of the worst executives in media history at this and prior jobs, and just generally being an asshat.

However the main issue here is his mistress used to work for Andrew Cuomo, which is…probably relevant in CNN’s refusal to fire Chris Cuomo.

I don’t get it?

Pretty straightforward, Communist Bernie Sanders is driving the agenda and Senile Biden is taking a backseat and letting him do it.

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I get that! What does that have to do with what is happening now? Perhaps this cartoon was swapped with one from an alternate universe where it would be more apt?

It’s from Deplorable World where Biden is an out of control socialist.

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I was suspecting that the cartoon was made during the primary or possibly during the election, like the two below, which would kind of make sense. But nope, apparently the cartoonist Dick Wright released it two days ago.

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I saw it here

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come on, give the guy a break, who among us hasn’t back-channeled to a serial sexual assaulter and nursing home serial killer?

This guy is just the absolute fucking worst.


That’s like saying that the only proper response for Dems, if Republicans do bad violent things, is for Dems to roll over and die.

you say you’re against violence yet you defended yourself against that guy trying to kill you with … violence. curious.

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Pick a side, cowards!


That is awesome.


Obv Trekky.…But wrong.

Let’s go!