Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Buying different clothes sizes is smart. You never know exactly how things will fit.

To be fair, respectable journalism outlets should have between 0 and 0 David Frums. That’s one thing we can be precise about!


We know for sure that Iraq had between 0 and a million WMDs.




The whole premise is pretty dumb, the democrats massively underperformed in congressional and state/local elections in 2020

I got this wrong.

I don’t think I could read this without plotting a murder.

NYT reporter going to bat for voter suppression and engaging in a pissing match with the nation’s leading voting rights lawyer by spouting right wing talking points.


Nick Confessore: Grace Church School (tuition: $53,000) and Princeton ($58,000). Look at this little weasel fuck’s stupid smug face.


He’s a regular on Morning Joe, of course.

Really? As far as billionaires go, this bloke doesn’t seem that bad.

It’s basically a puff piece, so I’m sure they left out some stuff, but just based on what is written, the dude seems like one of the less objectionable billionaires out there.

yeah, I just read the headline

Say it with me: the media is Republican


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Like he’s some helpless bystander or something. These people are diseased.


Yeah it was much better in 2000 when bush just stole the election without saying he wanted to beforehand. Way less shocking.

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Stealing elections but not breaking norms is ok. Stealing elections and breaking norms is the end of the world. eDems have this all sorted, we just need to vote for more of them.


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Front page of Yahoo. Good lord.

EDems : All we do is win win win no matter what!

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Sure Bari, lots of college students in 2022 are huge fans of Jon Stewart and Christopher Hitchens. It checks out.


doesn’t seem bad, until he gets to the end telling a whole class of immigrants that the system isn’t broken, because no matter how unlikely, they can still become billionaires.