Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I mean it’s sort of true. Getting rid of the filibuster would be an attempt by the duly appointed representatives of the people to grab some semblance of the power they are supposed to wield in our name and for our interests. Whereas Jan 6 was a power grab by delusional lunatics who represent basically nobody. Both power grabs though. BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT POLITICS IS! I know the Edems think it’s a tea party where well all get along and compromise, but it’s the other way.

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well it’s a good thing that noone pays attention to where Mike Pence hangs his head nowadays.


Who else but the New York Times, baby.


NYT asking the tough questions like “should people who commit crimes be allowed medical treatment for the rest of their lives”.



In fairness to Chuck Todd (excuse me while I go vomit after writing that), it’s a legit criticism.

Biden’s whole schtick was “I can unite everyone and get things done”. The fact that he can’t get some Republicans on board is a Biden failure. He’s the one who promised the impossible result.


That’s fair. And he still won’t even call anyone out or adapt to use the power he does have.


my gad at that headline


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My advice to young writers is to grift. Please take me seriously as a writer.


He’s not wrong, if the goal is to get the $$$.



my linkedin is flooded with this shit now.

Kinda of a Covid meets Diner crossover. Its feel good like HCA in the sense that morons are dying.

“ Two years into the pandemic, the story of Danny Burtch is the story of incalculable loss and of hard choices: whether to be vaccinated, whether to leave the isolation of home for fellowship, whether to partake in a beloved game of cards.”


Yeah that’s a real head scratcher. GJGE WaPo.


She probably makes about $20K a year, maybe $25K. I had a friend who was a full-time reporter in a similar market in West Virginia about 15 years ago who made $18K.

She’s apparently moving to a bigger market for a new job, so hopefully she’s getting a pay increase, as well.

Did she make it out to bigger and better news gigs?