Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I really dislike both the NYT and HRC.


Meh ok. Well I’m dumb.

Edit: wait. So she DID say on the podcast that Tulsi was a favorite of the Russians and implied she was a Russian asset? What is NYT retracting then?

The only sane line to take.

For the same reasons that I really dislike HRC and the NYT. Neither party has any integrity at all. Just truly lousy people.

I legit have no idea

Edit: apparently hilldawg is trying to say she meant the GOP is grooming tulsi not the Russians? Whatever. Believe what you hear with your own ears.

This shit right here is why nobody trusts HRC, nobody likes HRC, and a great many people didn’t bother to vote for HRC. That and the fact that she told everyone that she couldn’t lose to Donald because of her own ego. Literally the worst political candidate of my lifetime, somehow including Donald Trump.

Simply unbelievable that after she lost to some low name recognition black guy in a primary, and then nearly lost to Bernie Sanders in a primary despite having Barack Obama’s coat tails to ride, infinite endorsements, all the corporate money she could spend, maximum African American support, and she could and did cheat some. After both of those experiences she still couldn’t bring herself to admit that she had to try hard vs Donald.

And now at a crucially bad news cycle for Donald she’s out there attention whoring. Holy shit do I hate her. She’s just the worst kind of person imaginable, and the only reason she ever agreed with any of you is because she thought it’s what you wanted to hear in her quest for power and attention. The reason why all those GOP lies about her stuck is that she’s the least sincere person I’ve ever seen, and people instinctively can sense it… which results in people being able to believe all kinds of frankly crazy stuff about her.

The world would have been a much better place if Bill had married literally anyone else.


Well hopefully it sinks her election run.

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god I want her to run again and lose to Bernie in the primary so bad. Would be amazing.

The world would be better if we never heard of either. I mean he messed with interns hung out with Epstein and most likely is a very bad man. And thats not even taken into account his policies.

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Sure but Bill became a famous politician on his own merits. Whatever you say about Bill he was a supremely talented politician. Hilldawg…isn’t. If she had married an accountant no one would ever have heard of her.

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I say he is most likely a rapist. So worse then Hillary if i had to chose who i never heard of.

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Sure. But my point is that you probably would have heard of Bill no matter who he married, because he’s such a talented politician. You wouldn’t have heard of Hillary if her husband hadn’t become president.

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At best she’d be a big bundler because she was a partner at a biglaw firm.

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I dont have a alternative universe device to peer into so i have no clue. For all i know she pushed him into politics and propped him up and without her he would of been a Arkansas pig farmer.

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We talk about Hillary more than Trump does.


Pretty sure they met at an Ivy league school and Bill is an ungodly gifted politician. Probably zero chance he wasn’t always the Bill Clinton we all know.

Honestly the part of their story that seems manufactured in retrospect is the part about HRC being good at politics. If anything she may have held Bill back.

That’s straight up not true, and the media keeps covering her. Totally belongs in this thread. Tell her to shut the fuck up already if you’re tired of hearing about her. In fact every time they have mentioned her name during this insanely busy news week it automatically belonged in this thread. Media malpractice all of it.

You had me at “Tell her to shut the fuck up”

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I don’t know her.

Yeah… which is why you’re going to be stuck with us talking about her every time she opens her stupid mouth and the media covers it. Stuff like that is what the threads about.