Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


What a chode



Hate to see what the unfavorite daughter has been up to. :open_mouth:

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lol at nytimes and maureen dowd for platforming her brother

The day the Capitol was under attack, I felt nostalgic for the days when things were a lot more collegial, and when the two parties mixed and laughed together. Now we’re even further apart.


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In the 1960s we were a youth movement that demanded to be heard. We marched on the Pentagon and occupied college administration buildings. In the 1970s we mellowed, listened to the Band and the Eagles, and read Charles Reich’s “The Greening of America.” In the 1980s we rebounded as yuppies.

Gotta love these old fucks trying to take credit for the progress made in the 60’s despite it being their life’s work to claw back all the gains that were made in that period. Just fucking die already.


I mean, it’s written by Fuck Head Buckley.

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If I ever invent a sex doll, this is the name.

Media is so dumb. Today I read an article which read “Tens of thousands attend Corona protests”. My first thought was “Damn it really escalates”. Then you read it and there wasnt even one protest with over 10000 people they just added every small fkn protest in the country to make the fkn headline more sensational. The idiots will run with it and say that their movement is growing more and more.
One sentence was: In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern(german state) there 12k people in about 20 cities. Are you fkn kidding me? Thats an average of 600 at best. Its also not even 1% of the population of the state.
The other side hates the media because they think its streamlined, mainstream and not the truth. And I ask myself what the fuck are these people doing?

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Wasn’t it also De Beers that came up with the “you should spend at least one months salary on an engagement ring” thing?

In the running for most evil company in the entire world.

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This would make an interesting draft. It’s been a while since we looked at Worst People, why not Worst Company…

Really? I figured Facebook was so far ahead that it’s not even a contest.

[Undrafted] has them all beat

I had no idea. Maybe this draft might be worthwhile.

From marketing infant formula to the poorest undeveloped countries that led to generations of malnourished children to forced child slave labor in the production of cocoa they have proven time and time again to be nothing short of pure evil.

Anybody up for the all time most evil company draft?

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This sucks. Nestle Crunch is my favorite convenience store candy bar.

Krakels are good too but not that easy to find.

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