Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I think this is a bit too clean-cut and tin-foily an explanation. If they were that devious at manufacturing ratings they’d have better ratings.

I think the simple truth is that Washington reporters are basically overgrown clique-y high-schoolers and they do whatever feeds their self-absorbed interests. The Clintons were famously distrustful toward the media after Whitewater and the media responded by not liking the Clintons.

I think the MSM genuinely dislike Trump’s politics and his boorishness, but on the other hand Trump is notoriously sensitive to what the media says about him. He claims he never watches MSNBC but then tweets about things Joe & Mika say about him. It’s a weird kind of co-dependent relationship. He cares what they say about him and they get off on feeling like they influence the president. I get the feeling that when the cameras are off, Trump and MAGA Habs and Co. hang out and laugh in ways that Hillary never did. Trump is dumb and obnoxious and all, but he’s thier kind of people.

Add on to this social distance. Bari Weiss and Brett Stephens aren’t going to suffer as Trump turns this country into a banana republic ethnostate. No one they know will be shot by police or deported. I suspect their finances would be better off with the status quo, but really the politico elites will be comfy no matter what.

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don’t fourm and drive, come on, bruv


Yes… Agreed 100% If I’m posting here I’m sitting at the side of the road waiting. I would never drive and text… But in the UK I can still face the same consequences for both. :pensive:

1 short of a majority of Dems now call for impeachment inquiry. Its saying on MSNBC Maddow show with Joy Reid.

But they definitely are not good at manufacturing ratings, which is why I think they are trying this. I think they believe that Trump is right that their ratings are in the toilet because ‘all’ they do is talk about Mueller. I think this is a strategy shift to see if he’s right. Hint: He’s not. This is a bad strategy if that’s what they’re trying to do.

It’s at 107 right now. There are 235 Dems in Congress, so they still have 11 to go to get to that majority based on the most recent count. It might happen by the end of the week.

Nadler was pretty forceful about where things stand on Lawrence tonight, so they’re not backing down on where they’re headed. He believes he’s right about subpoenaing McGahn. When they break his ‘privilege’ claim in court, no one else will be able to claim anything similar because he’s ground zero on privilege.

I see L O’Donnell tonight, Nadler was saying all the right things for me… Thanks for the tip as Laurence has been the better show to watch in recent weeks as he’s calmer, imo.

There was a clip on CNN tonight with CC that showed Elijah Cummings and the GOP rep Mark meadows when Elijah spoke up for him and said they were best friends, now after the weekend & not a peep from M. Meadows shows the lack of respect these gouls have…
Seems it was on a few CNN Shows about the February incident where Elijah calls him 1 of his best friends. Don’t wanna post it incase Copyrights.

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Lou Dobbs man wtf happened to that dude?



So, there was this movie called Men in Black. A character played by D’Onofrio was in it, and something happened to him. It’s that.

Remember how CNN was complaining that the Mueller testimony was a dud, and how no one was interested in hearing about him because it only had 13 million viewers during the day? Remember that?

Well, the first night of the debate had around 8 million viewers, in primetime. So that boring guy who just said yes or no was more interesting to the country than CNN’s American Idol debate format. Looking forward to the numbers for last night’s shit show.

Maybe CNN needs to start re-calibrating what it thinks makes news, because early presidential debates aren’t it.

Thing is, CNN sucks and everyone knows it. It’s the one thing Trump is right about. On their front page, there’s currently an opinion piece about Obama being a Republican, a guy from Iowa that drowned the first time he saw the beach in Florida, and something about mustard ice cream. No one cares about this crap. It’s TMZ lite. It’s not news. But CNN peddles this garbage on a daily basis.

They had a significant amount of viewers younger than 50 last night.

Surprisingly no crosshairs on the photos.

Like, I’m honestly shocked.

Apples and oranges. There is only one Mueller hearing. We already had four debates and there will be how many more? If you want to hear it right from the horse’s mouth you don’t even need to watch the debates. The candidates will be touting their messages on every channel for months to come.

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One was really important. One meant nothing. One keeps headlines over and over. One disappeared in a day.

JFC Geraldo is a fucking idiot


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Is it even possible for anyone to get a single screen shot where Carlson doesn’t look like he’s completely lost or confused?

But yeah, cool about that guy without hair talking about Richard Spencer and skinheads. Free speech don’t cover your job bruh.