Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


When you see this on Twitter

“A Politico report of an alleged letter from Donald Trump’s legal team to his former aides telling them to defy congressional subpoenas related to an investigation into the Capitol riot have led to discussion about whether it constitutes as obstruction of justice”

you just know we’re in for some absolutely godawful headlines from Axios and the NYT.

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Jobs of the future? Hard to believe I can resist their multiple offers to pay them $40 a year for great journalism like this.

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Seriously WTF?


The decision to not arrest Trump for sedition ten seconds after the inauguration is what’s going to haunt us.


Then what?

Are you getting a conviction? You’re getting a jury without a single MAGA fly in the ointment?

Even under indictment, the guy would be running in 2024 and probably wouldn’t have any less chance of winning.

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Trump could pull a Eugene Debs and still have a decent shot. Better than 3% for sure.


We all saw this coming a mile away.

The only thing that kept them from stealing the last election was a lack of foresight. If they had disrupted the count in like 5 precincts and done a full purge of never trumpers before Election Day, it would have worked. They’re not going to make those mistakes again.

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Most of them don’t want to win that bad. The problem is FB has turned people like MTG into winning candidates and they don’t get that shit is an act for rubes. Most Rs don’t really care who wins as long as the $ keeps flowing.

A jury in DC? Uh yeah I like the odds fine. And he’s going to be in protective solitary confinement until trial in this scenario. He tried to overthrow the government of the United States. I think he has a better chance of dying in custody than he does of getting acquitted just because he’s old, accustomed to his lifestyle, and prison sucks.

No matter what though you keep throwing shit at him until something sticks. This is a public hanging lol. Everyone needs to see what happens when you attempt a coup.

You learn from the trial run and come prepared to succeed next time?

lol, they won’t even arrest Bannon, no one is ever going after Trump under any circumstance.

“Moderates oppose!” Fuck off, all of you pathetic cowards.



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Lol, dnr, but I read the headline. Blood pressure up.


(Not sure why the preview is not coming in nicely).