Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with the media?


no dead americans, no firefights with the taliban… INCOMPETENT!

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We cannot honor our dead hero soldiers if they don’t run face first into a hail of bullets, stupid.

Think of all the afghan weddings going unbombed because joe can’t get his shit together.


I think you mean terrorist meetings. Yeah, that’s the ticket - terrorist meetings, sure!


This has been the worst sustained media performance since the Iraq War, in terms of obvious bias. Anti Bernie bias included.


Truly shameful. So bad I briefly pondered the possibility some centrist assholes would realize some things, lol me, they’re calling for hearings instead.

This is basically a small taste of what the entire media establishment was like for a year or so after 9/11. Completely unquestioning pro-war bullshit. Zero consideration of the possibility that we shouldn’t be in a perpetual military occupation of Afghanistan.

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Lol Chuck Todd


yeah. Posted this in the Afghanistan thread, but it works here too:





Aright I really might cancel my subscription.


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Way better than American Afghanistan coverage…

jesus wtf


Even with this, honestly was not really expecting The Economist to pile on.

Ok, this is a very US centric and selfish position, but what about the cost of continually subjecting a portion of our youngest generations to armed military conflict, and what that does to our institutions such as our police forces, as well as just our societal norms over time. I hardly recognize the country I grew up in. IDK perhaps I was sheltered, but everything seems so different in regards to how the average person thought about authority then versus now.

Really? I can’t think of anyone more likely to pile on other than the WSJ. The Economist is super explicitly center right.

I hope you mean less respectful of authority, but based on context I suspect you mean the opposite.

You’re right but they do tend to push overt business agendas, not so much warhawking.

When I was younger it seemed like people valued the right to privacy more, and many more people were suspicious of a police state. Comments like, “if you’re not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about,” would have shocked me as a teen. (They still did shock me as an adult.) Cops wore normal clothes and were not dressed for military combat or SWAT on routine patrols. They didn’t drive armored vehicles. People were hyper pissed off about drunk driving checkpoints and other such bullshit that are now normalized. Etc. etc. I also do not recall having to give blowjobs to servicemen at every sporting event, both large and small.

Again, could be the bubble I grew up in.