Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

this is the only thing I could find:



I have a feeling this would be hilarious if my cultural knowledge hadn’t ended around 2005.


probably best for Nathan to lay low until the memes die down, might take a while. Doesn’t help that he dresses like an antebellum plantation owner.


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OK last one

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His attire reminds more of Prohibition-era bootlegger from Tampa than antebellum.


OK seriously I’m done after this


who the fuck is this guy and why do I care

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It’s reasonable to want to maintain editorial control over his magazine, but such control isn’t compatible with what he’s written on the superiority of democratically controlled workplaces and how traditional bosses are like feudal tyrants. When that’s exactly how he wanted to run his magazine: his vision executed how he wants it. It’s nice that he pays everyone the same wage but he should have been up front with how he wanted to run his magazine. And then thought about how that needs to be integrated into his political views, because when he says bosses are bad, workplace democracy is great, he can’t exactly boss everyone around at his magazine. Which creates a leadership vacuum. But he still wants to control it, so it can’t be a worker cooperative…It’s a pickle!


Does he say bosses are bad? Like, I don’t have a problem with bosses/managers/etc as a concept.

Seems clear that a lot of people wanted to paint this situation as NJR wanting to not pay his employees their fair share, which isn’t the case. I don’t really know how to feel about this story tbh.



And I agree, I don’t have a problem with bosses as a concept either. But I guess that’s why I’m not a Chomskite liberal anarchist.



Idk - I mean, hooray we caught another hypocrite I guess. It’s kind of wild that he seems to be running a workplace that is more worker friendly than like 99.99% of workplaces and he’s the target of the day, but obviously a lot of people have been chomping at the bit to shit on the guy because he seems like a weirdo and now they can do so without going against the lefty Twitter orthodoxy.


Sure but the issue is he wasn’t honest with his staff, including with the basic fact that they are his staff. Like Ben Shapiro doesn’t run into this problem because he doesn’t lie to his staff or himself about the nature of their working relationship.


kara has some real fuckign weirdos, haters, and losers on her podcast. literally can’t listen to it anymore. i don’t particularly need to hear the ceo of parler and gettr, etc. although i understand the need to get them on record, but honestly the thing that really disappointed me was fran leibowicz. trying hard not be sexist or agist or classist here, but like if you want to keep living in the privilege of 60s and 70s, you can put down your pen and retire like the other boomers. it would probably help democrats if she lived in the villages and baked cookies for her cohorts down there. doing modern outrage in the 2020s for millenials isn’t doing much good.

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I’m wondering why he named it gettr instead of grabbr.

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yeah this was just an indescribably bad podcast, she gave miller some really extremely mild pushback but he mostly just spewed “facebook censors conservatives” for an hour

I get the idea of let’s interview this shitbag and see if we can get him to embarass himself (the parler ceo absolutely did this, you should listen to that interview if you haven’t, it was kind of breathtaking how dumb that motherfucker is), but this guy didn’t fall for it and she should have just left this interview in the can.

Yeah I was youdontsay.jpging my way through that explication of the problems with worker co-ops. Organisations beyond a certain size become unstructured and it’s impossible for them to move with strategy and unity of purpose? Interesting. Maybe someone who was hired a week ago and has no idea how the business works shouldn’t have an equal editorial say to someone who has been around since the beginning? Fascinating, tell me more.

Jumped into the wayback machine for this one.


~the entire MSM ecology was like this for months. Pure Bush-admin propaganda.

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