the latter isn’t news. it’s just your crazy uncle talking politics to your middle school kids.
the former is just manufactured obviously. cnn does not want to have to cover actual government functions, but they already sold $10m worth of ads for next month, so you take the crazy uncle, but create a multicycle multipart production bonanza about how he’s wrong.
it’s fucking amazing how the #resistance liberals still haven’t figured this shit out. it’s like desantis gets a court ruling against him and they’re all “YEAH WE GOT HIM” and meanwhile desantis is already fundraising off it, it’s a total freeroll, he gets to impose some dumbass restriction that the base loves for a few weeks, courts eventually catch up, he uses the OUTRAGE at the ACTIVIST LIBRUL JUDGES to justify more unilateral action and more fundraising.
I used to think they’re just well meaning people being bullied by bad faith actors. Now I absolutely think the media is in on it. There’s just no way they aren’t.