Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

“Democrats say”


Not sure if bad or good



Got to go with true. I mean getting a mid day talk show to chat with middle age ladies because of your last name is nepotism, but it’s certainly not the worst kind

Classic worst person you know.jpg situation.

I mean this is definitely a subject she has significant first hand experience with… And if I were her I would have a real problem with people making nepotism look bad.

When you watch something like this, it really hammers home the absurdity and irresponsibility of Meet the Press trotting out Ron Johnson and Jim Jordan to essentially say the same stuff.

I love how he thinks everyone will believe his “proof” simply because he says its “proof”. His bullshit isn’t even half as believable as Trump’s bullshit, and Trump’s is pretty bad. Amazing that such low-quality bullshitters are able to gain so much sway.

“Tell 'em what they want to hear” isn’t exactly cutting edge strategy. People are dumb.

The more difficult question, and the bit Trump is good at, is “what do they want to hear”. It was non-obvious in 2016 that what the base wanted to hear was that Iraq was a disaster and free trade is bad.

This is where being able to lie and bullshit constantly is a big advantage. Im 2015 Donnie Dumb Dumb just said 1000 random things and waited to see what would resonate. Then he picked the top 10 as a platform. Having no convictions can be an advantage if you have no morals.


Can we all agree that the New York Times licks a bunch of asses and then just leave it there? Why do people who hate the NYT even fucking subscribe? Why do they feel compelled to tell adults, most of who know very well how to read a newspaper, how to read a newspaper? Why do that to yourself or us?

I’m glad for it. I’ve never read an nyt article I don’t think (paywall tricks don’t seem to work for me) but it’s funny to see just how breathtakingly bad they are on a super consistent basis just from the excerpts posted here.

You seem really proud about taking things out of context.

Boy, the war sure has been already lost when there are 10-minute news stories of “we contacted 27 cyber security experts and election officials and they dispute these claims” rather than 12 seconds of “a guy who hocks shitty pillows for a living is spewing a bunch of bullshit, and it’s bullshit - back to you, Anderson”.


Maybe I should get an opinion column at the NYT.


But… the NYT headlines make me mad and then I just have to share them with everyone to show how mad I am… and that makes everyone else mad…


Someone here told the story about Noam Chomsky grinding his teeth. I’ll bet a dollar to a donut he still reads the fucking thing.

Yeah. A share is a share. That’s one of the many reasons I read my papers on paper. If I want to share an NYT article it costs me a postage stamp, an envelope and a few seconds of cutting, and only one person gets to read it. Slows you down and makes you think.

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You should be a Republican.

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