Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Man, I’m a Matty G stan, but this is a rough one.

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That’s a weird soulread. Matty G needs attention, he says things that get people to hate-share him, it’s that simple.


He has had exactly one successful real estate investment, which he acquired by losing a lawsuit he initiated. He is literally one of the worst real estate investors of the last half century.


Had to go to his Twitter to make sure that wasn’t fake. Jesus Christ.

This. Brutal tweet.

Trump is good at showmanship and having a personal brand and that is all. This one skill explains his success in all three fields, since by success at “real estate development” Matty means “putting TRUMP on buildings in big letters”.

Always amazes me how many people on this forum follow the guy. Every time I see a Twitter post from him it makes me dislike him highly

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You hate his tweet, you share it with all your friends so they can get mad too, somehow this generates income for Iggy. idk how any of this works.

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Who exactly is signing up for his substack? I spend like 5 hours a day on my phone and would never consider giving him money. How does this work?

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He’s a literal exhibit of “the best way to make a million dollars is to start with two million”, a phrase invented specifically to ridicule the vast quantity of stupid failsons putting on a pantomime of success.

This is a pretty good summation of the entire media landscape.



I think that what Biles did is just directly antithetical to why so many people like and watch the Olympics. You want to see athletes overcoming all the pressure and expectations and succeeding. Or failing, either way there’s tremendous potential for entertainment there. But just trying their best and seeing the chips fall where they may. The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat. But just quitting when you’re physically able to continue? That doesn’t fit in with the sort of warrior ethos that is expected of Olympic athletes.

If a golfer gets the yips or Jon Lester can’t throw to first base, it doesn’t threaten to kill or paralyze him.

Go back and look at some of her vaults in qualifying. She got completely lost in mid-air and was just scrambling to try to land. According to gymnasts, when this happens, it can take months to work, with the soft pit of foam stuff to catch you. You can’t try to figure out it out at the olympics.

America kind of has this thing where they like watching black athletes endanger themselves for the entertainment of white people. She’s supposed to “suck it up” and if she gets wrecked that’s Tragic and she’s a Trooper.

Sure, I’m not actually criticizing her, I’m saying why she’s being criticized. The whole Olympic ethos is facing down immense pressure and prevailing with grit and steely-eyed determination. It’s kind of fucked up that’s what we expect from 14 year old ice skaters and gymnasts but shrug emoji.

At the end of the day, Simone Biles doesn’t owe me or anyone else anything at all. Nothing. People with strong negative opinions are telling on themselves. Note that basically none of the people ripping her have anything to say about US Gymnastics’ horrific decades long history of sexual abuse.

are there any actual published numbers on substack? I have to assume the “big fish” on there are only making money because substack is essentially paying them out of investment cash, literally nobody would pay yggy for takes other than people who graduated from harvard around the same time as him and work in political media as pundits, which must be a grand total of like 20 people.

I have heard there are some small-time people with extremely niche subject focus who are making like modest six figures in subs, I can believe that since there are tons of weird niches that don’t have constant streams of free takes already on twitter. What would anyone possibly pay yggy for that you can’t drown yourself in for free?

exactly, these people are mad that a black girl won’t perform for them on demand and on top of that they feel entitled to claim a part in the accomplishment she’s not delivering to them


I mean she has the twisties which I only recently learned is a thing. There’s 0.0% chance she should be trying the shit she’s known for without a good sense of where she is in space. Everyone saying she should tough it out is basically saying they’re 100% fine with seeing her break her neck on national TV.

The shit she does is risky with her normal borderline superhuman level of sense for where she is in space… without that the stuff people want to see her do is borderline suicidal. They’re docking her scores already to prevent others from feeling compelled to try to copy her because it’s dangerous.


There does seem to be a shitton of “But what if she wasn’t risking her life? Let’s argue about that!” on twitter right now.

The reactionary right and left eco-systems seem to need and feed off each other. I’m starting to think maybe twitter isn’t the most healthy environment for discourse.

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