Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

It really is amazing how debased and disgusting is the profession of journalism

Look at this shit, it’s literally every single day. And these are the “good” media outlets.

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They’re against IRS funding because their whole reason for existing is further enriching rich assholes you stupid motherfuckers. There are no legitimate complaints or grudges or whatever, they simply want people to be able to cheat. Wouldn’t know it reading this:

Weaponizing the IRS should be a Democratic goal.

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That article is galaxy brain shit, it also argues the recent leaks showing billionaires pay no taxes justifiy the GOP opposition to funding the IRS, because Republicans are sincerely offended by the leaks.

The view from nowhere. Context-free “news.”




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The World Needs a Heavy Hitter on the Pandemic


He’s talking about Clinton and the Bird Flu pandemic, right?

He’s talking about Obama and the Ebola outbreak, right?

He’s not talking about how Republicans fucked up the AIDS crisis, right?

A normie reader of this article would have absolutely no idea the GOP is simply running clock.


Here’s the NYT with a sympathetic piece about a former cop who was one of the most violent insurrectionists. Fuck. You.

Zero agency. Just “swept up!”

Interviews with Mr. Webster’s former fellow officers from his 20 years in the department paint a far different picture than the images and profane videos of #EyeGouger. Evidence in the case and Mr. Webster’s own version of events suggest he had been swept up in weeks of online claims that the election was stolen, his angered state further inflamed by the crowds that day.

“In the Police Department, when someone gets in trouble, most times they say, ‘I knew that was going to happen’ or ‘I’m not surprised,’” said Andrew Brigida, 61, a retired sergeant who worked with Mr. Webster when he was a rookie. “In Tommy Webster’s case, we were very surprised.”


“He wasn’t a bully or anything like that, or a real pushy guy,” said John Reilly, 67, a retired lieutenant who supervised Mr. Webster. “Just one of the guys. Some cops are very aggressive and stuff like that — he really wasn’t.”

Mr. Brigida said former military personnel like Mr. Webster were generally a cut above. “One step ahead of the new cops,” he said. “They know how to deal with the public. They know how to handle stressful situations.”


yeah if you listened to that podcast and had never actually seen chuck todd do an interview you would think he’s a really good journalist with a spine and everything.

of course, we’ve actually seen who he puts on his show

That’s because Chuck Todd thinks he’s a good journalist, so an interview with him about whether or not he’s a good journalist is going to give you that impression. In his mind when he lets Republicans on his show to lie about everything, he is the heroic Bernstein/Woodward figure who is Doing The Journalism by asking Tough Questions, yada yada yada. He doesn’t know he sucks, he’s a Dunning-Kruger journalist.


A sign of what? Lol cnn

This should result in memes about the GOP pullout game.

Hoooooo boy Matty G
