Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Two actually, how else could we play one of the best games in this thread, “who is responsible for this stupid take at the Washington Post?”


meh idk, at least david brooks invents some new imaginary friend complaining about sandwiches or whatever. there’s at least a some sort of primordial spark of creativity. George Will is literally just HURR DURR SPEND BAD HURR DURR BASEBALL GOOD

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Brooks is like the biggest dickhead in the business. Make your wife convert her religion and then ditch her for a grad student assistant half your age, what a great ambassador for the brand.

Stephens is the one that scares me the most because he’s smart enough to keep his Nazi shit just below the surface.

Yea it’s just amazing that they can be so wrong so always and still get paid money for these takes. I was going through just thinking “holy shit there are so many of these!”, and those were just the ones you posted in this thread.

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I ended my subscription when they nominated Glenn Kessler for a Pulitzer. I just couldn’t, man.

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SMART? I mean in comparison to Bari Weiss and Thomas Friedman, I guess. He’s just an anaemic, boring writer. His pieces contain nothing inflammatory because they contain nothing interesting or original of any kind. Reading his shit is like being force fed plain flour mixed with water.

stephens has the worst takes, but i think they are keeping him around because he cries antisemitism at every opportunity. i know a few of his nyc readers, and they are conditioned to thinking that when he gets finally fired it will be because he is jewish. which is lol of course, but everyone is an entitled crybaby nowadays. myself included

Washington Post WH reporter. Pathetic.


oh this is going to put some Trump-themed lawnmowers into orbit:




IDK, I think I’ve said this before but that tweet just seems factual? If Biden is dumb enough to say that he’s going to do bipartisanship with Mitch McConnell then he deserves to have the media shit on him when that inevitably fails.

Perhaps a little of that shit should be directed towards Mitch though?

Gotta love the wsj with the “I don’t want a raise cause it will put me in the next tax bracket” take.


NYT: more Trump voter profiles

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I’m sure we all saw that stupid WSJ article about the “worker shortage”:

Which hit on every possible explanation but the real one.

Well, here we go. Next time anyone argues about “lazy people on unemployment” use this one instead


“No matter Pelosi’s reasoning, her decision to reject Jordan and Banks, the two most high-profile Republicans put forward by McCarthy, dooms even the possibility of the committee being perceived as bipartisan or its eventual findings being seen as independent.”

Pretty sure that possibility never existed, but keep blaming the Dems for destroying the hope of bipartisanship by not acceding to ridiculous R shenanigans.


Fucking twitter. Do they not have actual humans working there that understand actual human behavior?






When fucking Rick Wilson sees it and you can’t. Lol democrats.


Not that any of this matters, but Dems do seems to be booting Gym Jordan from the 1/6 probe:


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