Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

wtf WaPo? how could you sell thjs impression to me?


Well she’s not wrong.

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You get that Mother Russia isn’t in the G7, right?

Excuse me, but her father was John McCain and that’s very important.



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Fixed it. Now people will be confused by your post.

Way ahead of you.

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Good thing the US has no political prisoners and should stay in the G7!

Also lol caring about some right wing nationalist just because he is opposing Putin


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Jesus fucking Christ


Remember when Donnie Dumb Dumb said Obama was the founder of ISIS? We’ll we’re getting close! Obama making fun of Donnie Dumb Dumb at that press dinner thing started this whole thing and now American conservative extremists are in Congress.

These people are far more contemptible than your garden variety Trumper. These motherfuckers are almost exclusively the product of America’s “finest” colleges and grad schools. Absolutely indefensible.


Im sure hes just swarming with applicants from the Ivy League



In Chuck Todd’s world, anyone with power is entitled to a microphone.

There’s an old Citations Needed podcast about “ The Increasingly Dull Edge of ‘Hypocrisy’ Takedowns” and this shit is exactly what they were driving at.

Yes, I’m angry that Chuck Todd isn’t biased against Nazi assholes disenfranchising people and burning democracy down. It’s very hypocritical of me!

A whole generation of feckless, comfortable journalists trained in “view from nowhere” bullshit has brought us Chuck Todd as the ideal model of how a politics show should be run.

The idea that no view is too toxic to be aired on national television is absurd on its face. This is among the most upsetting and destructive beliefs in the entire world. Facebook should be heavily regulated and shut down unless they ban hate speech and disinformation. In Germany it’s a crime to spread nazi bullshit, and it should be everywhere. Fuck your slippery slope, we will talk about it after you’ve silenced actual motherfucking Nazis.


I wouldn’t really care that much if Todd had them on and just dunked on them mercilessly. Just call them out for being evil liars at every opportunity. But he clearly doesn’t want to do that, and even he did he couldn’t pull it off. So, I might grant a better journalist the luxury of that viewpoint (i.e., we should have liars because they are important public officials), but Chuck is not good enough to deserve to have this position.

When journalists point out how stupid and inconsistent and evil and wrong conservatives are, the conservative misinformation machine rallies around that as a grievance point and blasts their base with “LOOK AT THIS GOTCHA JOURNALIST SO UNFAIR WHITE CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS ARE OPPRESSSED IN THIS COUNTRY FAKE NEWS YOU CAN’T TRUST JOURNALISTS CLICK HERE TO BUY MY SUPPLEMENTS FOR JUST $19.95”.