Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Fucking Biden, what are we supposed to do with all this money? Provide public services? This is an ISSUE!


BBC News main page


Strange choice of image.







Let’s check in on the WSJ:


Yes WSJ executives and generational wealth never mismanagement their assets, should write an article everytime some failson inherits his families fortune.


I long for the days when Donnie Dumb Dumb would tirelessly work hours on end livestreaming Fox and Friends.

Cruella was a top-tier, possible GOAT Disney villain with amazing style. Plus,101 dalmatians is too damn many.

OK, thanks for the update, Mags.



If you feel bad about your life, Maggie Haberman’s entire career now is being the stenographer for this dying gasbag. Her only asset was getting palace gossip from Trump and now that’s becoming completely irrelevant. It’s like when Egyptian pharaohs would bury their servants with them when they died.


Massive LOL at the NYT presenting her as the second coming of Woodward and Bernstein when she was a literal PR flack for the worst guy to ever gain power in this country.

She hasn’t written a single piece about anything other than Trump in like 6 years, why is she on the payroll? Imagine being so stupid you got played by the Trump Family.

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She’ll be hot shit again if Trump runs in 2024, so I guess they’re taking a chance on that. Otherwise she’s just dead weight. It’s like having a staff reporter working the Bill Clinton beat, no1curr.

Tune in tonight to see PBS use its forensic “both sides” method on that intriguing organisation, Al Qaeda. Is it really as bad as it seems?

In the film, Smith examines the fight over the future of Idlib, Jolani’s emergence as a leading Islamist militant, and his efforts — despite his history with Al Qaeda and allegations of human rights abuses — to change his image into that of a viable leader who is not a danger to the United States and Europe.

“We haven’t posed any threat to Western or European society. No security threat, no economic threat, nothing,” Jolani told Smith.

Critics are skeptical of his rebranding efforts.

Always those damn critics!

just like clockwork

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I love how other media guys will dunk relentlessly on Maggie Haberman. Just zero respect from her peers.

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Fun little take to share with any LGBQT people you know:

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