Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

He is left wide open in front of the goal and assisted on a silver platter. All that tells me is he probably played hockey as a kid. Would be like Mark Cuban knocking down a couple of jump shots if the other 9 players on the court coordinated to get him wide open looks.

That was the crisis? Lol, dnr. I figured it was either the border or Israel.

They’re probably not defending him and feeding him the puck a bunch. Still, that’s better than I would have expected.

They only quoted “democrat” is…Larry Summers

Fuck off Axios



So I am a relic and still use yahoo for my email. Was struck by this yahoo front page

Quite the headlines…lets go into the stories

oh…thats what you mean…

Mike Donilon is one of the most trusted presidential advisers in the Biden White House, but he comes and goes from his West Wing office almost as a spectral presence.

Described by those who have worked with him as having the demeanor of a parish priest, he abhors speaking to the news media and is not particularly chatty with his own colleagues. On conference calls, they describe him as a low talker. “Hey, it’s Mike,” he will say, often in a barely audible voice.

Donilon’s low-key presence, despite his considerable influence over the leader of the free world, is emblematic of the overall culture of the Biden White House: It is the least personality-driven West Wing in decades.

Because of his longevity in politics and underdog personality, combined with the depth of the crises he is facing, President Joe Biden is undoing a long-standing Washington tradition in which staff members enjoy their own refracted fame.

Gone are the days when a counselor to the president like Kellyanne Conway was so well-known that she needed her own security detail; when a White House press secretary like Sean Spicer was a recurring character on “Saturday Night Live”; when a policy adviser like Stephen Miller was not only recognized but booed out of a restaurant; and when a glamorous, drama-prone communications director like Hope Hicks was photographed regularly by the paparazzi as she left her home in workout clothes.

oh…thats what you mean…

e class="onebox allowlistedgeneric" data-onebox-src="https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/05/new-york-medias-top-union-erupts-in-conflict-over-cash">
Vanity Fair – 18 May 21
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oh. oh no.


Grifterz gonna grift.

I mean, maybe he’s been out of the game long enough to have lost a fair bit, but Nate was transformational to my poker game back when I started on 22.

Yeah, he was the best poster on the site for a time. He’s a grifter now though. I don’t think those are inconsistent.

He’s gonna go full Skalansky.

can you elaborate a bit on what makes him a grifter? I feel like I’m missing something

Maybe sellout is a better word?

I mean maybe he’s not a grifter, he’s just genuinely corporate.

They’re all morons




Oh man, poor Kamala must be pulling her hair out trying to figure out college admissions.

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Another fluff piece about employer that wants to hire a ton of people, but can’t.

Makes a big deal about offering new worker bonuses ($1k - $3K) and quotes CEO as: “We are doing whatever we can to attract talent.”

Of course doesn’t mention pay for these jobs. Quick google search shows they pay not much above minimum wage security guards. Perhaps that might explain why they can’t find anyone,

I will give them one thing: When I went to their jobs available website, each of them had a pay listed. It’s more than I can say for most companies.

That said: The jobs available around me do not pay very well (Less than 1.5x minimum wage).