Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I absolutely love freaking out about the free market for them. This isn’t about unemployment this is about there being better options and plenty of them.

From that article:

Greg Brown, president of W.W. Cannon in Dallas told the Journal that despite offering wages up to $30 an hour, “you just can’t find people; people aren’t willing to come to work.”

Okay, so let’s go look at what positions they are having trouble filling:

Guess how many positions are listed. Dozens? Hundreds? Nearly a thousand?


Fucking ONE. A single position for an installation foreman. That’s it.

Lol they want to hire middle management in a construction boom for thirty bucks an hour. This is exactly the same as the people who wonder where the eight dollar an hour drive thru workers went.

The fucking entitlement knows no bounds

These people are ALWAYS conplaining

Even if it was some other job and the pay was good, the fact that they have one single job listed on their website means they can’t complain about not finding workers. I’m reading this as “they have all the employees they need minus 1”. They’re doing well in this regard! They only need to find one more worker.

I assume this is a typo but propose keeping it. A great portmanteau of the GOP’s two favorite things, summing up both the politicians and the base in one word.


Maybe the employee they are trying to hire in that position is also the guy who would be responsible for posting job opportunities on their website

Newsflash to Op Ed writers. Just because your job is a pointless sinecure that you can dash off in 10 minutes a week without any effort doesn’t mean all jobs are like that. Most people don’t actually enjoy being yelled at by Karens (like you) and working their asses off for a 10 hour shift so need what we call com-pen-sation for doing it. There’s no such thing as a “work ethic” in service jobs, there’s only a “need to pay my rent and buy food” ethic.


Did I miss something?


Quick recruiter anecdote from the past couple months.

EHS=Environmental, Health, & Safety (These roles generally require a college degree in the field and/or extensive certifications, especially in California). The unemployment rate for people in this field is probably less than 3%.

Client HR: We want to hire two EHS coordinators with 3+ years of experience. One in SD, the other in the Bay Area.

Me: Great. Send me the job description. What are we targeting for compensation? $50/hr?

HR: No. We were thinking $25/hr in SD, and $30/hr in the Bay since COL is higher.

Me: Your expectations are so far off, we’ll be insulting any prospective candidates that I reach out to.

HR: So, will you work on the searches?

Me: No. I only devote bandwidth to viable searches. Offering qualified candidates what amounts to a 40% pay cut, means it’s not viable.

[3 months later]

HR: So…we can’t find anybody to fill these roles. Do you think it will help if bump the comp up to $45/hr?

Me: :thinking: Yeah, I think you identified the issue.


Oh they’re still gonna vote Republican every time. They’re just identifying as an independent for now.

I’ve been getting cold called by shippers asking for 600 dollar trucks in a 1500 dollar market. Absolutely do not contact me ever again is the correct response honestly. Fucking Choosing Beggars.

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Could always move to nearby PG County.

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Is that two correct Tucker chyrons in one day? I think that’s a record

Bari Weiss having a normal one:

Hamas controls the international press? What in the everloving fuck.

What are you gonna do? Gotta lose those kids.


Also LOL Peggy Noonan. GOP policy polls horribly but the party will win by sticking to policy, or something.

The future GOP, and the current one for that matter, is a party of conservatism with important Trumpian inflections. The great outstanding question: Will those inflections be those of attitude—wildness, garish personalities and conspiracy-mindedness? If so, the party will often lose. Or will the inflections be those of actual policy, in which case they will often win?


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Hadn’t seen one of those in a while, yeah that is not great…