Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices




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the LIBRULZ say that cars today are safer than 50 years ago, but last year more wrecks involved new cars than 1970 cars, CANT EXPLAIN THAT


At first I had questions but I just smashed my head into a wall like 5 times and now this makes sense.

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My new WSJ opinion column

Are hospitals the best place for surgery? Apparently 99% of deaths during surgery occur inside a hospital. Why are we still doing surgeries in such dangerous places?


Serious question though, this story had to go through multiple sets of eyes to get published. Were the majority of those sets of eyes 1) actually so dumb that they can’t see the fundamental problem with this reasoning or 2) completely aware of the problem but willing to publish it anyway? Like, I guess it’s #2? Not certain though. There are surely elements of both at play.

It’s not really Barr’s fault that every media outlet believed his memo uncritically.

The WSJ specifically has a pretty good scam going. It is a great newspaper for the most part. This gives it credibility, which it uses to brainwash readers on the back three pages.

In this case though, what’s the point? “Lockdowns were bad” - who is the audience for this? I fully understand why they try to paint the estate tax as a crushing blow to family farms, but this is just trolling.

The audience for “lockdowns are bad” is far bigger than “the estate tax is bad”.

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Right, but their goal as an institution is to advance right-wing economic propaganda. I guess this is just the red meat / playing the hits.

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May just post an idiotic WSJ column every day, certainly no shortage of material.


Lol putting Bill Barr in a cell is just about the only way the DOJ could get it’s mojo back lol.

Lol WSJ again


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“Company that rents out office space says office space is very important”


You’d think that WeWork would benefit from companies having more employees work from home so that they downsize their permanent office space and use WeWork’s product for a short-term need for increased space.

“Most engaged employees” = biggest suckups

Just lol.


Maybe having one of 3 actual newspapers in the whole country owned by a union busting asshole isn’t great


Today’s installment