Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


“who preaches non-violence”

Just the dumbest motherfuckers ever writing these Nazi safari pieces.





Ahh yes let’s go hear from the Austrian guy running a far-right movement out in Europe, he might have some good points

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Four fucking paragraphs profiling a Neo-Nazi and racism isn’t explicitly mentioned once. We do learn that he’s non-violent, tho.

He’s a credit to his (Aryan) race!

We all suffer when losing a republican who voted in line with Trump 88% of the time

And just voted that it is unconstitutional to impeach Trump despite the fact that he will never be in a R primary again.

Bwahahahaha fuck you



Day before—
“ Five people, including a pregnant woman, were shot to death early Sunday inside an Indianapolis home in an apparent targeted attack,…”

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What the fuck is this shit

A. Biden is the president not a senator
B. Progressives are pushing for nuking the filibuster
C. What on earth

Beyond parody



Hahahaha wtf

That article is melting my brain every time I look at it. It’s the most NYT thing ever, just abject cowardice from what has to be the most craven, gutless newspaper ever to have existed. I mean never mind the total absence of any mention of GOP obstructionism in Congress, or the fact that many of these orders are reversing the orders of a President who signed executive orders at a much greater rate than anyone in the last half a century. If you’re going to accuse Biden of executive overreach, can you maybe deign to provide a single fucking specific example of something he should have done differently?

Here’s what I can’t figure out: do they know they’re cowards? Like this is a piece written collectively by the editorial board. How many of them, in their minds, are thinking “this is actually kind of lazy bullshit”? If I had to set a line I would just be tossing darts, I have no idea. It’s just inconceivable to me that anyone could seriously think this is useful journalism, but it’s also inconceivable to me that anyone could believe the Q stuff, so I’ve learned to be skeptical of personal incredulity as a guide to how others actually think.


Here’s another one for the “beyond parody” folder.

That editorial is so demoralizing. Not that anyone pays attention to the NYT, but that elites actually believe it is Democrats’ responsibility to make Republicans act like adults.

When the media frames every Biden story as “whether he can get GOP votes is the measure of his presidency,” it is not only obviously stupid, it also invades beltway brains, even if subconsciously, and democrats water down their legislation in hopes of getting credit for working across the aisle or whatever, only to inevitably be blamed by the media anyway when they get zero GOP support.

The endless “Mr. Biden, why can’t you get Mitch McConnell to support your legislation,” along with the absolutely never ever seen “Mr. McConnell, why do you refuse to ever act in good faith,” gives the GOP yet another massive structural advantage.


I generally agree with you, but maybe Joe shouldn’t have spent all that time bragging about how he could work effectively with Mitch to get things done.


Why do you do this if you know it offends people?

I think the word is taken differently in New Zealand.