Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Fuck off, NYT.

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And of course they pick “one of the wealthiest school districts in the country.” Its as lazy and tired as the diner safari pieces.

It’s wild that digital natives can be just as clueless about sharing shit that will get them in trouble online as Boomers.

I’ve got to give that dude who posted the video credit. He just sat on it just waiting to inflict maximum damage. That’s some Cartman vs Scott Tenorman level shit.

I guess there is still a small part of me that feels the tiniest bit sorry for the girl. Maybe that’s a leak on my part. Nevertheless, I don’t really have a problem with how it played out.

Also, is it just me, or does she look kind of like what I imagine Propaganda Barbie must have looked like at that age.

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Yeah but the kid should’ve also recorded his white dad saying the n word and sent it to his employer (the police) when that happened

Every outlet is doing this



There is absolutely no reason she should recuse herself.

Good looking rich white girl facing actual consequences for her behavior? Yeah that’s Fox News gold right there.



If she needs to recuse herself here, then Clarence Thomas missed a ton of self-recusal that he should have been doing given his wife’s career in advocacy. I realize that no one calling for her recusal gives a shit about consistency or double-standards.

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who the fuck is this asshole




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How the fk does Ron Johnson get elected in WI? It’s not Alabama. I’ve been to WI and it seemed ok.
And Chuck Todd and his team really need to get vapourised

Madison and cities are. Not so much elsewhere. Alpine Valley is a straight up cop trap during concerts.


Great quote here showing why the World Bank and the NYT (it’s essentially the framing of the article in miniature) can fuck off. “Sure, they lifted 50 million out of poverty, but maybe it’d have been better if they funneled it into STONKS?!”

“We’re pretty sure China’s eradication of absolute poverty in rural areas has been successful — given the resources mobilized, we are less sure it is sustainable or cost effective,” said Martin Raiser, the World Bank country director for China.

PS There’s a non-ironic section near the end where they say that a problem with China’s messing about with poverty relief is that it ignores healthcare costs, and that people there still run the risk of bankruptcy from medical bills. Those foreign morons!