Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


File under “Fuck Around and Find Out”


Here’s the story. It is one of the most horrifying things you’ll read this week? month? year? Maybe it hits harder for women, but anyone who has had dealings with a sociopath, narcissist, or even psychopath, will recognize what’s going on here.

My big issue is with her “friends.” They…aren’t.


That was an interesting read. I have a female relative who in the past was regularly getting into relationships with manipulative men, and I felt echoes of some of the experiences that she has shared with me. This part of the article was where the echo was the strongest:

"He told her she was one of the only people allowed to visit him, and mused about running for office or starting a podcast when he got out. “That belief in himself, although it may seem delusional at times, it draws you in,” she says. “I don’t know if everything he was saying was true, but maybe like 1 percent is, and that’s awesome on its own.”

Also, the way that their relationship was consistently being re-defined while remaining ill-defined, and nearly always in a manner that demonstrated the power imbalance between the two of them.


Smythe said she and Shkreli started dating after he was incarcerated in 2018. “It’s hard to think of a time when I felt happier,” Smythe says of their relationship. In a statement, Shkreli told Elle that “Mr. Shkreli wishes Ms. Smythe the best of luck in her future endeavors.”



For some reason that reminded me of Trump’s answer when he was asked about Ghislaine Maxwell. “I wish her well.”

I never get why people agree to do these kinds of stories but still say they regret nothing.

The photo shoot is pretty wild.

I didn’t read the story feeling sorry for her at all, more in line within this pretty sober post story Q&A/interview with the woman:

The “narrative” is as if though her previous life was heaven and her new life is hell. Like living in Park Slope married to rando finance dude and working at Bloomberg was an amazing life rather than just being ~fine but unfulfilling to her so she went in a different direction.

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That is hot garbage.

Well this happens all the time with men. Midlife crisis, new young woman and the guy never gets sympathy there.




this is amazing, just epic work. how long did they work to set up this con?

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Wait the Smithfield Foods CEO’s name is Dennis Organ? Little on the nose, right?

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Nominative determinism.

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Not parody.

Their brains are all the way broken.

