Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Quote from Times statement:

“You can expect further additions to our columnist ranks as we continue to broaden the range of Times debate on consequential questions.”

That’s nice, but do you mind if we suggest some subtractions from your columnist ranks?


The UP is basically Canada-lite, tho.

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I pulled up the map and had to keep hitting the zoom button to see the water.

Four lakes around Madison: 28.5 square miles
Lake Michigan: 22,404 square miles
Lake Superior: 31,700 square miles


But I’ll admit I thought Madison was up around where like Wausau is and only caught your mistake by being anal retentive about fact checking before sending memes and such. You almost slipped that one past me.

Did they vote for Biden? Trump might try to sell it to Canada and re-do the election.

(Nope, they did not. Marquette isn’t big enough to offset the sea of red.)

Also, Marquette is nowhere near where I thought it was… Which is because Marquette University is in Milwaukee, WI, there is a town of Marquette in WI and a city of Marquette in MI.

Yeah, that’s a “sort of” on the lakes. Two of them (going from memory, Mendota and Menona) kind of pinch Madison in two, into “east” and “west” parts. The capitol building is on the “isthmus” in between. Kind of a pretty setup actually and the farmers’ market was really cool too. Also State Street is fun as mentioned.

You guys know what the NYT really needs? More wonky centrists who can see both sides of any argument. I can feel the range of debate broadening as we speak…


I like Ezra Klein but think he will be terrible as a columnist. He excels in the “explain myself for infinity time” podcast world, but suffers from a severe lack of efficiency.

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I’m old enough to remember back when Inghram used to pass as being moderate enough to be a regular on PBS. And Tucker had his own CNN show. The Trump era really got the Nazis to drop their masks.

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They included fucking Boris? Lollllll

Is any media choice worse than her choice of lipstick?

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First glesias and now this? Need an explainer on this, “Why vox dot com is imploding, explained.”

One consequence of being an extremist is that the slightest hint of moderate beliefs from anyone immediately categorizes that person as an Enemy Of The Cause. In a way, Donnie Dumb Dumb’s whole personality is a form of Malignant Narcissist Extremism - everyone is divided into Loyalists and Traitors, period. Its a powerful behavioral pattern to maliciously impose on other people because those people know they can’t allow even the slighest slip lest they lose their Loyalist position forever. It explains why so many Republicans are totally silent. Yes, it’s pathetic cowardice, but these narcissists are everywhere doing this on a small scale all over the place. Most every workplace has a few for sure.


They absolutely did contemplate this, and in fact expected it. They had lived through the reign of a mad king, and them being genuinely concerned about that possibility is why Donald is going to get evicted from the White House. They fucked a lot of other stuff up, but this is now being stress tested and seems to work pretty well.

I think this guy should have been hired for the show that Joy Reid now has. Or as a replacement to Brian Williams. He can be a self-important blowhard, but whenever I see him, he seems like an unafraid, aggressive opinion journalist.


I may be overreacting but of all the awful things that have happened to the Overton Window over the past 5 years, this murderer being lionized might actually be the worst for the long term health of the nation.

It’s the first time in a long time I can unironically use the word shocked.

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Chuck Todd is trending and there is no way I’m gonna go see why.

My mother retconning hoodies (which her children wore all the time in school) after the Zimmerman stuff shocked me way more than this, but I think it’s cause I hadn’t yet realized how depraved conservatives really were yet.