Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


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He must, I assume people hate watch him

lol at the Tim Russert apologists ITT. Dude was legit terrible and his whole routine was equal opportunity badgering of politicians for the purpose of ritual humiliation over some trivial inconsistency in their record. So politicians would come on to take their turn to be humiliated without having to actually answer any questions of consequence.

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Russert’s most common move was to take conflicting statements from an interviewee – no matter how many years apart – read them to the interviewee, and then shame the interviewee for a while about their character before, weirdly and abruptly, smiling and calling for a commercial break. (Sometimes it wasn’t even taking conflicting statements – he also popularized the irritating habit of asking a politician “ARE YOU RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT?” 10 million times in a row, Jack Bauer-style, as though a nuclear device would explode in the downtown of a major American city if they refused to make up their mind on the spot.) He could never accept that a politician’s views might evolve. Even worse, his body slams typically glossed over more substantial policy questions in favor of the cheaply earned squirm.


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This is embarrassing. Gee golly, what a hard position for this fucking hack to decide whether to acknowledge reality!

I got a good laugh out of #5.

Pretty sure #5 is happening. “Unprecedented” is a flexible word.


Yeah absolute 100% lock. I mean I’m pretty sure nobody’s ever taken a shit on the Resolute Desk in a farewell address, so that’ll be unprecedented.



Is this as dumb as I think it is, or am I not understanding something?


That’s not Canada, and that’s not where Madison is.


We like Yoopers though. We’ll take the UP and you can keep the Stanley Cup.

Well maybe we’re both dumb because I don’t understand it either, unless it means what I think it means.

“Paying people to stay home” is socialism, which as we all know is bad.
“Paying businesses to stay closed” is socialism for business owners, which is good.

If the handout comes from your employer it’s fine, if it comes from the government it’s bad…


Yeah, so ok it’s confirmed as dumb as I (and eyebooger) thought it was.

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Oh man, that’s a self-own by me. I’ve been to Madison and its on a big lake so I assumed it was on a great lake. Yikes.


I’ve been there 3 times (driven all 3), been to Wisconsin a bunch more, love maps and geography, and I was convinced that Madison was due Northwest of Milwaukee.

State Street is great. Partied there a few times.