Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Has someone done a wellness check on Dan Bongino?


lol no way, these absolutely have to be “ironic” shares or people ranting about the MSM

I told you guys Zuck would snap his fingers and the tone on FB would change. Which means the same thing it means when the media pretended they couldn’t figure out how to cover Trump for 4 years. Both were doing what was optimal for their bottom line, which could be charitably described as evil.

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Holy crap, that’s beyond blatant.

Fake news. Yeah we really need to steal that.

JFK buried in Arlington National Cemetery after his failed attempt to keep power


Bringing all the hits back


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I mean, I think Robin deangelo is a grifting genius and her book is garbage but man a Smith college employee going on Tucker to complain about anti racism training is, uh, not going to go over well with her colleagues. Could you imagine going to the staff meeting the next day?

She seems to be employing the strategy I recommended Bari Weiss follow when her snowflake colleagues felt “unsafe” because Bari had some hot takes. Your coworkers hate you, revel in it, make them fire you.

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Unfortunately it more was that the pages being shared weren’t being done organically and the right wing pages were being shared by bots and they’ve just pivoted to another grift post election

I dunno about that from the below article it seems like Facebook changed its algorithm to suppress left leaning sites and push more right wing stuff




Not saying this isn’t also happening, but there’s a reason you see 1000 right wing groups share the same link at the exact same time. Its not organic.

I guess but even if that’s the case I would think Facebook could stop the bots if they cared to

No matter what that’s a problem to be solved that I don’t see anyone really trying to solve (or it would be solved). Either we get our own bots or we figure out how to mass report their bots and get them down. These are the kinds of problems nobody on our side seems to be willing to get their hands dirty fixing and honestly it’s really pissing me off right now.

Once Joe Biden takes office FB is going to suddenly become very friendly to our side in an attempt to placate us after the recent and frankly disastrous from a lobbying perspective stories that are dumping right now about them shipping right skewed news to their users. The eDems are looking for a scapegoat and Zuck is a decent target if AOC won’t take the fall. He’s going to have to give them something.

They just pretended for four years that the reason Hillary Clinton, the supposedly best qualified candidate evar, lost to Donald Trump is that the Russians meddled in our election. Which they did, but that’s pretty fucking thin for losing what should have been (and they expected to be!) a massacre the other way.

One thing the executive branch can do something about is tech regulation. In a lot of ways it’s the most important issue on the docket.



More on this after our commercial break. Stay tuned!

I know it’s Fox News and I know I shouldn’t even bother, but god dammit! THIS IS WHY WE ARE FUCKED

That’s a pretty incendiary fking headline! Especially given what is going on in this country right now, and what is at stake. This could be MAJOR, right? Holy shit! Even MOAR evidence that our election systems are completely broken and are not to be trusted!

But then the 10% or so who bother actually clicking the link and reading the article will see things like this

Outstanding ballots in Puerto Rico would not affect the U.S. election

And this

Trump’s team has offered little substantiated evidence to back up their fraud claims.

And even this!

While Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens, Puerto Rico’s election is separate from the U.S. election and they don’t get to vote for the U.S. president.

But no matter! It’s another tire on the fire and that’s the whole goddamned point.

William Randolph Hearst is somewhere smiling.


