Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

At this point I truly believe they just call up the local GOP field office. Every time.


lol libs


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Nytimes writing a full article about one trump supporter, guess we will continue hearing from these idiots


I certainly won’t be hearing from the idiots at the NYT. Until they have another story as big as Trump’s taxes they won’t get a single impression from me.

They are the number one source for information on what Republican officials posing as independent voters are thinking.


The reason it seems Ike the NYT interviews a disproportionate number of deplorables is people don’t rush here to post every article when they interview a black person or activist.

Nobody’s stopping you.

I don’t see what the problem is with that piece. Dude seems like a pretty representative Trumpkin, accurately depicted.

Fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuu

Maggie Haberman lives rent-free in Donald Trump’s head, all over the front page of The New York Times and also in a brick house in an unglamorous Brooklyn neighborhood out beyond the Citi Bikes and stately brownstones. On election night, as the votes started coming in, she was seated at her dining room table with her husband and one of her three children, drinking from a liter bottle of Foodtown raspberry seltzer, eating leftover Kit Kats from Halloween, typing and texting, and, still, still, working her sources.



Great stuff from NPR’s Morning Edition today interviewing some 70-year-old Trump voters in rural Texas. Apparently they don’t like Biden very much!

I assume we spend the next four years hearing NPR/NYT interview Biden voters in downtown Philadelphia, right? That’s how this works, I think.

For sure, it happens all the time that the NYT does man-in-the-street interviews with Biden voters in metro areas who wind up being covert BLM activists and Democratic Party operatives. So many examples of that happening.


NPR is funded by the Koch brothers now. The NYT is run by a family of plutocrats for the benefit of plutocrats. I can honestly say at this point that both are fake fucking news. When they do a legit story its purpose is to shore up the brand against all the other stuff undermining that same brand.

I’m super done with both. Lie to me once shame on you, lie to me twice shame on me.

I mean after the Iraq war shame on anyone who trusts the NYT.


You guys can pretend that profiles of voters’ perspectives aren’t a thing and the NYT invented it with Trump’s victory, but yeah, they are going to write stories about Joe Biden voters. They have.

It took a lifetime for Angie Jones to become a Democrat.

As a young woman, she was the proud daughter of a conservative family active in Republican politics. Ten years ago, after a friend’s son came out as gay, Ms. Jones became an independent, though one who watched Fox News. After the 2016 election, Ms. Jones, a stay-at-home mother in Johns Creek, a pristine wealthy suburb north of Atlanta, became frustrated with her conservative friends defending President Trump through scandal after scandal.

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Hmm I’m going to search their site today and see if they do many profiles of people that barely ever or never vote, I think talking to those people might be more interesting and informative than to some of these voters

I haven’t seen that yet but agree they should. I think it’s appropriate for newspapers to cover shifts in voting patterns like that. Why did blue collar workers break for Trump, why did suburban whites shift towards Biden, why did nonvoters decide to get out and vote. And then interview examples of all these people. But a Trump supporter makes the paper and people just fucking melt down.

Wake me up when the subject of the article turns out to be a Democratic Party official, which could have been easily discovered via Google.


Yea the thing people complain about here is not that they don’t do ones of dem voters, is that they act like they interview people that are not connected to politics at all as an example of an average person thats not connected, essentially saying look heres evidence that a lot of average people that don’t follow politics think like this, but when that person is actually a GOP operative


Who remembers this classic bit from four years ago?

Regrettably, none of us at the NewsHour recognized the questions that could arise from Grace Tilly’s tattoos, and we didn’t raise them with her until after the report aired. At that point, our producer contacted Ms. Tilly and she insisted the tattoos are religious in nature and have nothing to do with a neo-Nazi theme or white supremacy.


Checking in with Facebook today
