My hometown newspaper, affectionately called the “Slantinel” by area Republican man, keeps bringing the fire headlines
Ann Romney?
Soledad not being in the Dem top 35 let alone not number 1 is a disgrace.
She only needs one GOP follow to be disqualified.
Saw this in the Trump thread, but it belongs here too.
Ladies and gentlemen, Nate’s worst tweet ever:
Far from his worst tweet ever imo, he’s had some real doozys.
That’s fine - they do call out Trump constantly so they can have that opinion.
I’ll reserve my scorn for pretty much anyone else on the right who ignores Trump’s 10 unhinged uncivil personal attack tweets a day - but has a problem with what happened last night.
What is dangerous is her writing a mountain of words, while also including ‘u’ and ‘ur’ on multiple occasions.
Signs you suck:
- “Both Sides”
Also, English only at the table, Mika. You useless hack.
It’s weird how her dad was a legit genius and she’s just this vapid idiot who can’t even form a cogent paragraph. She’s exactly like that tweet on the show.
And she’s the one who Trump said was bleeding badly from a facelift or something right? I’m never stanning for someone after they do that to me.