Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


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That just looks like a case of their time on that platform running out. She makes reference at the beginning to “picking up where they left off”, so its possible their interview was initially delayed, and when they finally got it started, their time ran out.

When you have a deadline looming and are completely out of good ideas.






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I don’t think that’s a bad take. Karens are not persuadable voters and the Dems should focus on their base.

The reason I posted that is to counter the narrative that the media doesn’t give voice to leftists.

they’re definitely right that we need to bring earmarks back

The WSJ is getting in on the ground floor of the ‘sensible’ conservative hagiography of the Trump era.

One early test will be Iran, and whether Joe Biden will abandon the strategic gains that President Trump has made in the Middle East in a rush to return to the deeply flawed 2015 nuclear deal.

The Trump sanctions forced Iran to cut back on that support, and the killing of terror chief Qasem Soleimani was a loud deterrent. To abandon sanctions again in return for more Iranian promises would be diplomatic and strategic malpractice.

The Middle East has also changed for the better since Democrats were last in charge. Israel and the Sunni Arab states are normalizing relations after decades of conflict, and one reason is their shared worry about Iran. The Arab-Israeli conflict over Palestine is no longer the dominant issue.

President Trump gave both sides assurance that the U.S. is on their side, in contrast to Barack Obama’s loud disdain and his strategic embrace of Iran. If Mr. Biden rushes head-long back into the nuclear deal, he runs the risk of blowing up that regional progress.

Mr. Biden’s foreign-policy team should be thankful for the stronger hand Mr. Trump is leaving them.

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Who is this “Mr. Biden”? Is it Joseph R. Biden or not? How is the reader to know?

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NYT still writing “do Republicans actually believe the things they repeatedly say out loud?” pieces.


The book SkyDiver recommended, Politics is for Power, does provide some good data that a lot of people view Politics like sports and just give what ever answer they think “their side” is supposed to give.

Would highly recommend the book btw, this board is like the perfect demo for it.

They’ve discovered a new fun euphemism for “lie!”


Note the complete lack of “Republicans in disarray” stories even as they are openly in a state of civil war

lol blatantly drunk Hannity on air






No, Trump isn’t Julius Caesar, Richard III or King Lear.

All those fuckers died at the end of the play.

Sorry for the Shakespeare spoilers.

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