Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

They’re indistinguishable from Republicans at this point. They bring nothing to the table whatsoever–their only purpose seems to be blocking progressive legislation that may actually improve lives–yet the media continues to fawn over them as if they’re great, noble compromisers.

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Spanberger beat David Brat in a district he won by 16 points (and Trump won by 6) in 2016. That’s what she brings to the table. Having the majority matters and some CIA Democrat is way way better than a so-called “moderate” Republican, let alone a Tea Party maniac like Brat.


Yeah, “moderate” Dems are frustrating but certainly not the same devil as Ted Cruz or John Cornyn.

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Point taken, but clearly the majority doesn’t matter that much if they’re going to side with the Republicans anyways

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Brian Williams had a scintillating panel on a few minutes ago.

Guy one from the NYT (went to Yale and wrote for Time, so yeah) said impeachment’s pretty much out of the headlines, and that it could come back, but probably not. Whose fault is that?

Anita Kumar from Politico (gave a going away party to SHS) said that as the days pass, impeachment looks less and less likely.

Brian Williams and these two panelists are making poor choices.

What’s most hilarious is that Kumar works for Politico, the site I’m now using to track impeachment numbers. They first posted their live updating article on August 16, and are doing by far the best investigative work related to who’s on the record right now. Sounds to me like Politico finally thinks this is a story worth pursuing. GJGE Anita. I mean Nadler is on record saying a decision on filing Articles of Impeachment will happen by some point in December, and she’s like ‘nah, looks really unlikely by the day’. lol


More quality horseshit from the New York Times.

If I ever go to Kentucky it’ll be to dance on McConnell’s grave.


‘We are reviewing next steps.’

Code for motherfucker is fired.

Dam it, CNN, this guy is a card carrying white supremacist. Stop sugarcoating the headline.


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I mean, they have good bourbon to drink while you’re doing that.


That is FKN bullshit. This FCC is the worst ever. WORST. EVER (if this goes through).

It will go through.



Soledad is my spirit animal








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OMFG, this is beyond insane: Bret Stephens just wrote an editorial calling the professor who mocked him a Nazi and the NYT actually published it.



(also, it turns out Brooks misrepresented the reference he relied on)


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Someone must have been really drunk to let this get to press much less write it:


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I mean, the whole “they were actually talking about bedbugs” thing is pretty irrelevant. Nazis did use dehumanizing language to describe Jews and other enemies, even if that specific example is wrong. As a budding woke snowflake, I wrote my senior thesis in college on how the language surrounding immigration on RedState was alarmingly similar to the language used by nazis to describe Jews.

But, of course, LOL Bret Stephens