What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

JFC, have you seen this video from 2015? The comments are incredible. I would absolutely go to that free concert for more of this:


Amazingly everyone was silent as I made the pots correct. I do a pretty good job of immediately taking control and talking through what I’m doing so everyone knows what process I am using to make the pots correct, but I definitely was expecting at least 3 people to offer incorrect advice.


I figured this as well, but the combination of terrible players and a bizarre structure make up for it I think. It’s a shot of confidence when you suck at poker but know 100% you’re the only person at the table with the slightest grasp of tournament stack size relevance.

I’ve played a bunch (I’m a very boring Vegas person) and am up about $1500.

If not for mask mandates likely discouraging some players I’d be up for a prop bet.

Smaller buy in tournaments and the lowest stakes are for entertainment purposes. No one needs to be making money (except for the house, of course) for those to exist.

When dealers display competence on side pots, they instantly get my seal of approval (for whatever that’s worth).

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We notice and appreciate your approval, so thank you. My first day back last week I had a side pot hand and a player not in the hand commended how I handled it and threw me a dollar. Shit like that goes a long way in making our days better.


Re:new indoor mask requirement in Nevada: “Anyone who has studied 1930s Germany knows what comes next”

This should be a fun table.

You should ask Matusow why he’s broke and at the same table as you


Would not have expected Gold Cup finals tickets to be $225+. Thanks Canada.

Mason is a trumper (obviously) and I couldn’t shut up about it. He ended up leaving the table. Win win win.

Just like his poker strategy is accidentally killing winnings, his masking strategy is accidentally killing his own survival odds.

“A new SARS-CoV-2 epidemiological model examined the likelihood of a vaccine-resistant strain emerging, finding it greatly increases if interventions such as masking are relaxed when the population is largely vaccinated but transmission rates are still high.”


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Yeah this, NBZ. The more unvaccinated that get Delta, the greater the odds it mutates into something that is deadlier for those who are vaxxed

The more unvaccinated that get delta, the more pressure we create to come up with a system of vaccine passports. I acknowledge there are risks of more mutations, but they’re just going to try to relax standards again when the numbers go down because people want to go back to normal. We should be seeking to create a new normal instead.

My stance isn’t some raging against idiots. I think we should have vaccine passports and the only way to build the will for that is to have a significant spike in hospitalizations and deaths. So, I am openly rooting for people to die because I think that is in our long-term best interests and gambling that it can happen before we get a variant that hurts the vaccinated more. Our current trajectory isn’t working.

There are 7 billion still unvaccinated people in the world, many of whom will be a ripe source for new variants basically in perpetuity. What the US does or doesn’t do seems very unlikely to be a deciding factor in how much this thing eventually mutates.

I thought the idea was to let covid and climate change reduce that number?


I recall a discussion earlier, but not having success searching the thread… what are some folks’ suggestions for off-strip dining?

Friends and I will have a car a couple nights out there later this week, so we’ll have the ability to try some different things. Bonus points for ethnic food, since we’ll probably to a steakhouse on the strip somewhere.

There’s a lot of Asian food centered around Chinatown on Spring Mountain. There’s so much variety that it’s hard to just pick a spot. My last long trip, I had stuff from AYCE sushi to English pub food to Hawaiian barbecue to street tacos.

I’d probably start here and come back with questions for something narrower than “ethnic food”.

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Both Lamaii or Lotus of Siam are top notch for Thai food. Lamaii prob a bit more modern, Lotus for the banging Duck Panang Curry.


Thanks. We have done Lotus a couple of times, so probably looking for something new. Will look into Lamaii.