What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

I normally play tight-passive while observing the table. As I pick up traits that I want to exploit, I change my play. This leads to me picking up a generally nitty table image, which I try to use to my advantage.

I’m not wired to just jump right in and try to exploit population tendencies without individual reads.

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I’m sure there’s got to be spots in PLO on the turn and river where Bruce detects weakness and having lots of stuff still in his range he can take down a fair share of pots with a big bet or well timed raise. Loose passive preflop doesn’t have to equal loose preflop overall. In NL if these loose passive dudes started throwing around big river checkraise bluffs they’d be wayyyy harder to play against. I mean of course they never do, but still.

I’m sure Bruce’s play isn’t optimal, but if he makes money doing it, meh, better than most!

I don’t think of it as bluffing vs value betting. Betting, at least before the river, is about trying to realize as much of your equity as possible while getting opponents to forfeit as much equity in the pot as possible.

I played a hand last week where I was short stacked and got it in pre for around 40-50bb with a rundown and was flatted by two separate players with AAxx who declined the opportunity to pot it and try to knock out a couple of players to get a bunch of dead money in the pot.

This must be a huge deal because I recognize most of the names, including some of the bottom rows.


Are you a lover or a friend?


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I should make a thread for my swingers club adventures. I haven’t had a threesome since march? Haven’t really tried though.


That’s awful yet tickets will be $400+

I think this concert is more appropriately priced


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No way, Vince Neil is still alive? Im not a huge Crue fan but The Dirt was a fucking bonkers insane movie.

As for the Lovers and Friends concert, that’s like my wife’s entire playlist. That might be the leverage I need to talk her into a Vegas trip in may. It’s insanely irresponsible to plan an adults trip this far out with 3 kids in elementary school but I just might pull the trigger.

The last day I played the 1/2 PLO at Aria, there was a guy who had to confirm that you needed to play 2 and only 2 cards from your hand.

As is tradition, he got smashed in the face by the deck and ran his $200 buyin up to ~$1200.


NBZ i enjoy your posts even though I have thought for sure you were leveling with some of the hand histories. Solid opening ranges and not being passive is how you crush these games. Maybe I’m wrong and your the white magician of plo.
I envy you guys that are in Vegas and am really hoping I can make it down for WSOP this year.

I just dealt a 7 way all in PLO hand that had 4 side pots of which three of the pots were chopped three ways. That was fun.

Playing passively preflop and then piling money in post flop seems like a fine strategy for low stakes PLO. You can flop the nuts with a redraw and get someone to stack off one pair and a worse draw. When it’s that easy to get money in way ahead post flop I think you can lessen variance by being less aggressive preflop. Obviously your post flop play has to be solid for this to work though.

Oh that sounds miserable. The best is the all in 3 ways in big-o let’s run it twice. How many players were “helping” you chop the pots up? Also can we all just agree 9handed plo is a dumb game and move on.

Played a cheap tournament at Bally’s. Got to 3 handed against a married couple and they want a deal and offer me $750 when 1st place is $758. I of course snap accept and after payouts I’m hanging around finishing my beer and shooting the shit with the dealer.

Turns out the deal was over the prize pool by $450~, couple is long gone. I have to hand back $150. El Oh El Donkaments.


The Bally’s tournament is a $75 entry, of which the house takes $25.

There was a shit 2p2 thread recently where Mason and other massive nits were arguing than 10 handed poker is better than 8 handed. Something about rake per player being down each hour so it’s worse for the casino and better for the player among other reasons.

I can tell you that I would have played way less (maybe not at all) had the games been 10 handed. Actually having space is a nice bonus too.

Lol wtf! The greatest player on earth can’t beat that.

That is why some people think more rake is better.