What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

This is a bad analogy. There is no right way to do sex. There is a right way to do poker.

Ok Skipper.

I don’t know what skipper means but my point is objectively correct. It’s not debatable. There is a knowable way to optimally play poker. It even has a name.

Are you sure it was actually Tyronn Lue? I’d think he’d be prepping for the NBA Draft instead of being in Vegas? I also don’t think he lives in Vegas, but maybe?

Is there? When I go I usually only have a few hours and like to gamble. That is the right way for me.

Edit: Thats what she said?

What’s it called?

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Is there an optimal way to have sex to impregnate someone? Don’t feel like doing a google search even though this took me longer to type here.

Think the lady has to do some stretches afterwards. There’s a documentary called “The Big Lebowski” that goes over it.


This isn’t entirely true. It is provable that there is a GTO solution for heads-up poker. GTO strategy may not exist for multiway poker and if it exists it is significantly more complex than headsup.

I find heads up poker boring. I gravitate towards forms of poker that encourage multiway action and I play NL and PLO with a style that lets multiple players to see a flop.

If you have the same motivation. There are even different flavors of profit seeking, namely risk tolerance. There are differences in skill such that a GTO play may not be an option since people are not computers/robots.

Completely get your point (see my posts about Jeopardy wagering) but will make another analogy. Isn’t it possible to enjoy sex without seeking to absolutely maximize pleasure?

Seems an odd blind spot coming from you. He is enjoying himself. Sounds like he is net positive player. The fact that he enjoys playing with nits is hard for me to comprehend, but it seems to work for him both money wise and psychologically.

This is just wrong. There is a GTO solution to all poker. Just because we don’t know it now doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. This is the same logic that leads religious people to say “but what was before the Big Bang”.

Not knowing now is not the same as unknowable.

I dont think you’re wrong, but never raising preflop in poker is like masturbating to a sears catalog in the realm of enjoying sex.


I don’t care how he plays. I just care if he tries to argue it’s anywhere near optimal or that there is something inherent in his style :grin:

Bill Chen and Jarrod Ankenman decline using the term “optimal” with respect to multiplayer strategies.

Yes. I was certain when he looked exactly like Tyronn Lue and then said “yah I’m Tyronn Lue” when asked if he was Tyronn Lue.



Look this is one of those things that isn’t a debate. There is a right and wrong. There is an objective mathematically correct way to play poker. No human may ever play it, but it absolutely exists. Skill is simply a ranking on that continuum.


Nash equilibrium and GTO are not synonymous.

In a two-player game, the Nash equilibrium strategy is optimal. In multi-player, the Nash equilibrium strategy is not necessarily optimal. Players can’t deviate from the Nash equilibrium strategy to increase their own EV unilaterally, but they can deviate in a way that costs you EV.

A Nash equilibrium strategy is mathematically guaranteed to exist for multiway poker. A GTO strategy is not.

Liked this thread better when it was mostly about buffets.

My new idea - buffet that costs $100 to enter, but the casino pays you a penny for every calorie you consume.


If we get an Unstuck Meetup at the WSOP, maybe we should try to do it at a buffet.