What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

Still a bit shocked by the amount of people. Yesterday I wanted to speed walk a chunk of the Strip, but there were still bottlenecks of people at some spots. And this was at like 1pm in 100 degree weather on a Tuesday.

I wonder if the upcoming mask mandate will have people changing their minds.

None of them are paying attention to pot size and why do you want fold equity. Like 2% of your profit comes from fold equity in these small games.

You want huge pots where they have second best hand or poor draws.

I’m so confused by how you think about poker.

What game on earth at the stakes you play is weak tight!!!

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Exactly, limit games are nice when you are on a budget. Run bad can still wipe out a 50BB buy-in fairly quickly, but not in one hand like NL. This is the main reason I was slow to make the change back in the day. When I was younger I would often only have 1 or 2 hundred on me and I would get definite anxiety playing 1/2 knowing I could be busto in one hand. At least at limit I would likely get at least get an hour or so of table time even if the session went to hell.

I think it was Mason or some schlub that wrote about how the change from LHE to NL was going to ultimately be bad for poker, something about fish losing their money faster. So far it seems good to me.

I agree LHE mostly sucks, but I did have fun at the Flamingo a few years back. I had a couple hours to kill while my wife was shopping and getting ready for a show. It had an open seat vs. the NLH wait list so I figured something was better than nothing. It ended up being a table of mostly middle aged guys like me getting shit faced drunk while our wives were all out doing other stuff. It was a fun and social enough table that I elected to stay, drink and chat rather than move over to 1/2.

Yeah, people don’t hate winners or aggressive players or those who pick on whales. They hit assholes and people who don’t say a word all night while raking in 100+/hr.

It’s not about pot size, it’s about the size of the bet, which I make as a function of pot size. For some players, once they call a bet of 100 or close to it, they start to feel tied to the pot. They try harder to bluff and bluff catch.

People just don’t put a lot of money in with second-best hands against me.

I’m curious how you go about quantifying fold equity.

Mason said that under the assumption of uncapped buy-ins. 100bb cap in live poker made NLHE much more viable. I think it’s better for the SSNL to cap buy-ins at 200bb for 2/5, 100bb for smaller, and to not allow players to match the big stack. Higher than that, I’d be fine with increasing caps.

NBZ, are you beating 5/5 PLO at Aria?

Not over a small sample size. I also haven’t played well because I haven’t committed to a long session, which makes me more patient. And I’ve experimented with a few lines I don’t want to try against my regular opponents.

I think I’m also tilted by playing at Aria because it’s this weird outlier in my database as the only place where I really get trucked at PLO. I think the game is just tighter than most places and I’m not respecting bets and raises enough and not winning enough hand to build that tight winning image that I like to exploit.

Thread needs more saucy food porn imo.

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You worry about your image more than actually making winning plays imo.

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Breakfast at Wicked Spoon. No line during a weekday. I didn’t eat as much as I normally do at a Vegas buffet.


People play differently against me than against other players.

I was thinking this thread needs more debauchery and general Vegas drunkenness. Although I realize the average age around here is probably north of 40 by now and our hard partying days long behind us. But this thread has just been poker and food porn for like 3 months (I fully realize that’s also the best I could offer). We had one casual mention of a threesome back in what… May? Come on guys. My 15 year wedding anniversary is tomorrow and I need some stories of drunken whoring to make me dream of being young again.


That’s one meal?

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It’s a solid-ish game and I couldn’t picture your style working as well there as it does in your local game. You can play nitty ABC poker in that game and print money IME

Can I get a pointed review of the eggs benedict please? I don’t generally do buffets, but I would if I could eat my weight in good eggs benedict.

This works in basically every PLO game. Like I couldn’t devise a worse strategy in 1/2 PLo than “cultivate the tightest image to run bluffs through in the future.”


Nobody wants a tight winning image. Be tight and winning sure but you don’t ever want your opponents to see you that way!

No better time for drunken threesome whoring than a 15 year anniversary. Im pretty sure thats what Hallmark says the 15 year anniversary is

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The egg yolks were still runny. I suppose the main thing about eggs Benedict is getting that part right. It was fine. Freedom Beat at the Downtown Grand used to have AYCE eggs Benedict with several variations as part of their weekend brunch menu. Not sure if they still do. I’ve never had it, so can’t comment on the quality.