Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Have you ever gone to the Wicked Spoon buffet and just eaten bone marrow?

Never did, and the googler says its now permanently closed? Too bad if true.

It’s open. I was there earlier this year. I probably had six or so servings of bone marrow.

Foie gras
Spinalis beef steak

Lobster is a little open-ended, but I have a particular prep in mind.

Knowing nothing about Wicked Spoon, I’d be somewhat skeptical of bone marrow at a buffet.

It’s the best buffet in Vegas because it does a lot of small plates stuff that is atypical buffet food.

Here’s my post from earlier this year:

Top two are legit. Lobster has always seemed over rated to me.

Onions are cheap though. Is there a Pro Food Focus site with objective value based ingredients ratings that I can mock for being wrong?

Thanks for posting. I’ve been needing new things in the rotation so I made this today. Pretty tasty.

What did you do the second time that made it better? I thought mine came out pretty good - only miss was the potatoes were a little mushy after all the cook time. I should probably bake them less on their own before I add the chicken and sauce.

Do you add corn also? And do I see grape tomatoes, (like bottom center looks like one) or are those potatoes?

Foie gras, especially d’oie and whole instead of a pate, is a really good pick.

Had to look up a spinali’s steak, but as much as I love a good rib steak, and as much as the cap is my favorite part, I kinda like having a whole rib eye so you can enjoy both parts rather than nothing but cap, which can easily come out too greasy.

Lobster I’ve also got as way overrated. Even the preparation I had at the French Laundry, I’m not sure it was the best ingredients in its own dish (competing with caviar), and it wasn’t one of the top three dishes.

Meat out for a bit of cutting, wine and cherry tomatoes in.

Meat back in.

Mix with rigatoni and some pasta water, parsley, salt and pepper.

And done. Really delicious.


Ya see, I told you the rigatoni would make this dish work. Great stuff.

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Lacks pesto imo


Although I was thinking to myself, I kinda have to put salt in my top 3, because not only is salt pretty great on its own, anything I’d put in my top 3 doesn’t taste half as good as it does without salt as with.

I’m planning on taking my wife’s family there for lunch on our trip. Buffet seems like a cheat code for a scared pallet.

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I picked up an iron steak cause it was on sale wnd im cheap. Just salt it and cook mr or should i do something else?

i actually followed the recipe second time. first time i went light on seasoning (montreal poultry), chicken didn’t get very brown, garlic and butter didn’t fry as i added them after the broth.

i didn’t have frozen peas and needed to finish off some frozen corn from tj’s. also, there’s no tomato, that’s just a potato.

i don’t think potatoes can come out crispy in this dish, but somehow i avoided mushy.

Anybody make kimchee? Pointers or recipes?

First entry itt.

Short rib with peanut stew.

Decent short ribs. Okay marbling. Quick roast in the over

Garlic, onion, jalapeno, ginger, tomato paste, peanut butter, fish sauce, cumin.

Add a pale ale and some veggie stock.

Tried something new. Recipe called for collard greens, used rainbow chard. Color is much more exciting raw than cooked in a stew.

That plus sweet potato and coriander to finish.

Very tender.