What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

At the Wynn playing 2/5. Ran my $500 up to $1800. I have never had this much $ in front of me at table. We just did a $25 bomb pot and a round of straddles. This is probably my best live poker experience yet.


I’m doing the responsible adult thing and getting a few hours sleep before the 6am flight. I just set a personal record for single session poker winnings. I won a bomb pot when I binked J3 on a JT3 board, got some action, and it held.


Poker is fun when you win. Good job

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Congrats! When I saw that first “I’m winning” post, I was like, “uh oh, have seen this movie before …”

Sitting with the big stack is a ton of fun.

Awesome job. Man I miss playing at the Wynn. Love everything about that place. Had one of my biggest winning sessions ever there which probably helps.



I don’t have any chip porn from this trip cause i’m up like 40 bucks after 16 hours of play but my fav one is actually from a 1-3 wynn game 5 years ago where i refused to color up for shits and giggles during an absurd god mode run.

My phone died before the session ended. cashed out 7k in like a 300 buy in game


I cannot think of a better ending to this trip than where I’m currently sitting. Its a mostly full flight and I have my own row.


Btw saw a pretty gross angle/cheating tonight at the wynn. A reg lost a relatively big all in that was pretty messy (like numerous side pots with shorties and he and another guy involve in a big side pot). He like shipped his ~800 stack and tried to pocket the dollar chips. the dealer called him out and there were like 5 green chips in there too.

So pay attention that you get their entire stack if you stack someone


Here is a good interview with an epidemiologist I read last month that addresses these questions (I think his answers would be “maybe” and “probably not”):


If it makes you feel better, all of the hospitalized were unvaccinated. Shocking!

We really need to shift from talking about infections to hospitalization and death. The former will still occur but it’s only the latter we really care about anymore.

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Hahaha love the massive red stacks

10k sloppy stack at Wynn 2/5 from wsop games 2 years ago. I did it to fuck around and play up my drunk image, but also because I was very very drunk


I’ll be on vacation for the next couple of weeks. I’ll be playing poker far more than I usually do and have a couple mini staycations set up. Checking out the new Resorts World is in the cards as well.

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And it’s raining. How is that a thing

They need to wash out the tunnel people every once in a while.

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Had $50 match play at the venetian. 25 black 25 odd landed on black 35. Ballin out of control here


Can we get some more threesome TRs up in here? Should we start taking a collection to send @clovis8 to Vegas?


Pork wrap and spicy eggplant from bang bar (david chang). Pork on the dry side, eggplant saved the day


The biggest group sex event I’ve ever been a part of was at Vegas. They have some amazing clubs.

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Fuck, do a trip report on that!

I’ve been married for 10 years. I need to live vicariously through you.