What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.


I’ve never been so hot that my eyeballs burn.


Does Mrs. Tiltled know her butt is now semi-famous on Unstuck?


She’s honored.


Impressive day 1 performance and stamina.

Lololololol wtf

Dude gave a hooker the key to his hotel room with 40k cash and 3 mega expensive watches inside, they also stole and wore out a pair of air jordans lololol

If you have 100k in valuables in a hotel room you have, uh, better options than that for fun.

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I don’t remember what I paid for Absinthe tickets but I would gladly pay 10x that. What an absolute masterpiece of a show. Like speechless.


4 am and 3 hour jet lag is catching yp. Going to donate more money at imaginary horses.


Wife is collecting purse vouchers. Anytime she wins a bet she auto cashed out for a $12 voucher win. We’re going to have to visit 14 different casinos to cash our $200 by the time this trip is over.


Am I the only one here that doesn’t like Vegas? In the last 12-13 years I’ve probably made 20 trips to Vegas and I think all but 2 were for WSOP. My average stay is probably 2 weeks. And I only remember getting drunk in Vegas twice. Given all that, it’s probably easy to see why I despise the city.

Even though I’m a nit who almost never plays in the pit, I did have one good degenerate story one of the two times I ever got drunk in Vegas. Some friends from home were in town during WSOP so I met up with them at CP. It started by betting on horse races, which I had never done. It’s kind of confusing and the person running the desk was an asshole and not helpful at all. I thought I had bet the same race as my friends and had lost. Until one of my friends realized I had accidentally bet the wrong race and won. The night ended playing roulette and running hot until I was incoherently betting $500 red $500 odd and $25-100 on 27 every roll for hours. I think I was probably up over $20k at one point but it got fuzzy. I woke up with $13k profit the next morning. I got diamond tier total rewards in one night. That was probably almost 10 years ago and I’ve probably easily bet <$5k total bets in the pit since. My goal is to die a lifetime winner in the pit because of that night.

I haven’t played a hand of poker since the 2019 Main Event but I’ll probably be out for the Main Event this fall.



I don’t dislike Vegas, but I strongly prefer LA for “Vegas” things. LA has better poker, better restaurants, better entertainment, and better weather. Everything is much more spread out, which is a huge disadvantage, but I think that is outweighed by the benefits. I also don’t degen table games (or degen otherwise), which is why Vegas still has little attraction for me.

My Vegas trips in the recent past have been ones where I have some non-Vacation reason to go. And I do enjoy those trips, so I can’t say I don’t like it. But for just playing cards and relaxing, I like LA much better.

Sahara about 25 years ago lol.

It was fine.

Fuck me, I just extended my stay through at least Sunday. I paid $300 for Thursday - Sunday. How low did I sink? Guess where I am staying.

When we done that we stayed in a motel across the road from circus circus :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Cheapest I ever did Vegas, a few years back I got a week at the motel 6 for like $220 … around the corner from the MGM grand. Honestly, it wasn’t bad.

ETA: 6-7 years ago, anyway, only solo trip to vegas

though I didn’t actually stay the whole week. I spent five days acting like a Vegas noob and had to vacate or risk liver failure and bankruptcy.


That weekend in the motel was the best weekend we could have asked for, met a few Mexican lads from LA, they had 1 of those cars that jump in the Air, another group of American collage age people joined in the car park booze up, its all a haze tbh though.


We were at the Motel that’s a joined to the Old Rivera Car Park across from Circus Circus, that’s the best my memory remembers, were we we’re buying the booze from, those JD & Coke mix bottles are just too good & the 1st time I’d seen them in a shop

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Agree absinthe is the GOAT Vegas show and I have seen basically all of them.