What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

“oh yes I want to modify my reservation for Jul 12th, 2525, thank you”


Did this reservation get passed down from generation to generation?

@Tilted the wraps at Bang Bar are amazing, I had the spicy pork and teriyaki chicken. 2nd floor in the little food hall with Hattie Bs and the donut spot. I think jwax also liked this spot

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Thanks for the heads up. Definitively grabbing lunch there one day.

We had Bang Bar on our list on my last trip to Vegas but got some intel that it wasn’t good. I’m going to assume it was bad intel and will make a trip there next time I’m in town.

It’s just saucy meat (and maybe some pickled veg I don’t remember?) wrapped in a flatbread so nothing fancy but the flavor was great. Perfect light lunch or snack.

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One time in Vegas in the mid 2000s my buddy kept telling people we were bang bus. He told some friends of a girl I brought to her hotel room this and they crashed in thinking I was video taping her. Bang bar reminded me lol.

It opened two months ago. I was there the first day.

Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas?

It’s pricy and the food can’t compete with LV.

Nothing is better than turning on that Out of Office message on at work!



Booked flight for next Tuesday. No threesoms expected tho


That’s exactly what jmakin would have said.

Apart from the camping part (that’s for the few who enjoy revelling in horrible conditions) it rings true.

I worked on a project once in the late 90s with an American consultant who took a couple of weeks off to go on his annual huntin’, fishin’, shootin’ trip with his friends, but assured us he’d be reading his emails. lol at that idea.

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You guys are all a lot better at Vegas than me. I’ve been roughly 40 times and while I do have a generally good time I am permadrunk (literally drinking morning til night like I have a death wish) the entire trip and end up losing loads like 90% of the time. I swore it off in 2017. Now with half the site going I am starting to have Vegas withdrawals for the first time in a while. Although going in the heat of summer is a pretty big leak.

Highlights of past Vegas trips for me include puking on the side of the highway on the complimentary ride to the IV place and one time almost getting divorced because I lost my phone in the middle of the night and the random women who found it somehow called my wife who wasn’t on the trip and left sexually suggestive messages.

Enjoying the TRs


I’ve had similar trips and I’m just kinda over those trips in a sense. I still enjoy going for March Madness or WSOP/other poker tournaments, and inevitably my trips include at least a few friends who thinks the only way to enjoy Vegas is to be as drunk as possible all of the time. For me the joy in going to Vegas is detaching from real life for a while, enjoying pool time, gambling, and having a ton of my favorite restaurants all within a few city blocks.

I’d recommend next time you go, either go with your SO and make it more about relaxation, food, entertainment, etc. I also like now going for the 2nd weekend of NCAA Tournament so we can play golf in the morning, get back to the strip, eat a fancy meal and watch the Thurs/Fri games.

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My problem is I’ve had this pep talk the last ten trips. “This trip my goal is to not be hungover”. Fast forward to the next morning waking up and I am 10/10 hungover and no choice but to start drinking just to be semi-functional and the cycle continues. The problem for me is when the cocktail server comes around the siren call of free booze is impossible for me to avoid.

I don’t suffer from the same affliction on other trips. In fact when I travel otherwise I drink less than at home. Maybe one day I will grow up enough to do the trip you suggest because it sounds fun.

As i said in the first post in some ways this thread is just making me realize I am bad at Vegas in relation to you guys. Maybe after a 4+ year break i wouldn’t be such a moron anymore. I am loving living vicariously through you all and I am ok with that maybe being it for me haha.


Narrator? :)


My biggest concern is getting so hungover I hate myself the next day. I get bad hangovers. I stocked up on Pedialite and will try to have enough discipline to do a 1:1 radio of water per drink.


Can you just consume more weed and less booze? I try to maintain a nice high all day and then drink casually at the tables, usually keeps me from getting stupid drunk