What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

If you lost/dropped 2000 and an employee returned it, how much would you tip?

I was talking to a friend about this and I think they’ve got the pricing model all wrong. Obviously it depends on the goals of the organizers, but I think for a lot of conferences, you could actually charge more for online than live and get plenty of takers. There is so much time and cost savings with online vs live.

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Thinking about AYCE sushi today or tomorrow. How much do you think I can put away?

10% of whatever amount I lost.


Weird 200$ instantly popped in my head too. Must be correct.


I dropped 4 or 5k super drunk walking around in casino and some people behind me yelled at me letting me know. I just said thanks. Another time I was in Reno playing and was leaning back in my chair and 5, 500 chips fell out of my pocket and were under my chair. Two guys standing in line for a show let me know. Both times I just said thanks. Looking back I should have at least offered to buy some drinks or something…

Fwiw, id bet 90-95% of people wouldnt expect anything at all for pointing that out


Agreed. I’ve returned lost/dropped money both in and out of casinos and never expected anything in return. Have also declined to accept money once or twice. Although one time when I was 12 I found a wallet in Dave & Busters. It belonged to an 8 year old kid and had like $40 in it. I left my phone number with the customer service desk (wasnt trying to leave money with the worker who possibly would just pocket it anyway) and got a call that night from the kids dad. About a week after mailing the wallet back I got a huge box in the mail. Turns out the kids dad was the president or CEO or something of Mars Candy. They sent me a thank you card and enough candy to last a year. That was pretty awesome for 12 year old me.


I don’t necessarily believe in Karma but I do feel like I’m in a small way making the world a less shitty place by helping someone out who lost something. Yeah, I wouldn’t expect a reward either, just the hope that someone would do the same for me when the shoe is on the other foot is good enough.


Also was assuming that we were talking about something more than just dropping the chips and someone helped you pick them up via a vis reward, like they had to track you down. A thank you for helping pick them up, a tip if they had to put out effort to get them back to you imo.

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Gamblers code eh? Either that or hyper awareness of tons of cameras.

Do you guys want my TR in this thread or do you want me to make a new one? It will be picture heavy.

This thread


Also expect pictures and instructions on locating the secret bar at Omegamart.


I’ve returned laptops, phones, wallets, bags, dogs (yes a small dog) l, make up, rings, bangles and other random stuff I forget and usually it’s all good with some sort of reward but it’s not always the case so be wary when returning anything of value and try to get a witness for the item etc.

Just make sure you cover yourselfs. Tip from a professional returner of goods. :grimacing:

So here’s the story of 24 hours of tracking down $2000.

I was playing poker at the Venetian late at night when, all of a sudden, I realize that I don’t have my hoodie. And what’s important about my poker hoodie is the zippered pocket on the chest right above my hear where I keep some Tylenol, a spare charging cord, antacid…and casino chips. In this case, there is 2K in chips from my local casino.

It’s so late, that everything is closed and I spend much of the next day dejectedly retracing my steps. I head to Lobster Me at the Venetian as it opens. The woman there says they hold on stuff instead of turning it into lost and found. It’s not there, but she wasn’t working when I lost it, so maybe I should try back later.

It’s not at the Wynn Poker room. They give their lost stuff to security at the end of the day. I go to security and listen to the guy there read the list of stuff to himself as he searches the log. Multiple credit cards, ear buds, and just flat out cash is on the log. He says no, but the stuff was just sent over the be processed and if I call their lost and found in a few hours it might turn up.

The last stop is the Fashion Show Mall. I have a conversation with security there through an intercom without seeing a human face. No dice. I drown my sorrows upstairs in a large sub-par cheese steak with Wiz upstairs in the food court.

I don’t feel like playing anything significant so I head to the Orleans to late reg their daily $100. It’s a soft field and I think I play well, but I get unlucky and head to my room for a nap. I find a notice that yet again there will be no water overnight.

I wake up and head back to the V to stop by Lobster Me. I talk to the woman who took my order yesterday. She asks if my hoodie had a bunch of protein bars in it. Yes! She searches under the counter in a different spot than than the morning employee and finds it. I check the pocket and am sad to find no chips. The employee brings out the supervisor, who takes down my info while contacting the previous day’s supervisor. I go to play poker after slipping the employee a mere $5.

An hour later, I get a call. Yesterday’s supervisor had hidden my chips (not in the safe) and they are available to be picked up. Awesome! I just started the survivor tournament, so I’ll try to pick up if I bust before they are open.

The field is soft but you have to win all-ins and try to avoid being coolered. Most of the table is making bet-sizing errors where they are risking too much for not a lot of gain. Stuff like open-shoving 70 bigs, for example. Anyways, I bust with jacks vs aces and go to get my chips.

The supervisor gets my chips. I slide her $100 and tell her to split it with the other supervisor and maybe drop some in the tip box. It’s up to her. She tries to refuse but I insist.

I head off to play the evening O8 tournament at the Orleans. I think I play well and make correct laydowns, but you have to get lucky at some point and I don’t.

It’s been a long day and I am tired. It’s around midnight and my options are limited. I opt for some lamb tibs for dinner and head to bed.

I think I am stuck for this trip but I am stuck less. I don’t know whether Lobster Me has good lobster rolls or if the are better than Luke’s Lobster at Fashion Show Mall, but at least the people who work there seem like good people.


What’s is 5-5 PLO with Rock? What is rock?

A rock is a forced straddle from any position by the winner of the previous pot.

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Double big blind usually?