What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

That one was in Quebec and was published in Wired I believe.

Played the Wynn $400.

Guy spent a ton of time whining because he limped UTG, I shoved in the HJ with KJo for 12 bigs and got there. He was very annoyed because I chose that hand after folding every hand for a hour. The table had been limping more than typical. I was cognizant of a possible trap, but still raised.

I don’t see when I’m card dead and I didn’t have any good stealing spots. Maybe I need to be more reckless in tournaments?

Busted when I shoved with A2s and bb who had just moved to the table tank-called with 98s. Basically, anyone else at the table folds better hands there.

Jumped into 1/3 cash and put my name on the PLO list. We will see if get bored and leave.

One old man at my tournament table 3bet and folded to a jam, showing KK. He was shown AK by a finance guy who talked about what a great experience it was playing at the Trump hotel.

In the early 1990s, Ron Harris was a software engineer writing anti-cheating software for the Nevada Gaming Control Board.

But secretly, he was coding machines with a hidden software switch that paid out huge jackpots when players inserted coins in a certain sequence.

Yup… I knew I’d heard about other scams like the Video poker one before, this seems relevant.


Edit: I should say even if you know you know, just call anyway.

There was a woman professor in some state like OK that won or her friends/relatives won a whole bunch of scratch off jackpots. I don’t think she talked but somebody had back engineered her system that by monitoring which batches of tickets and how many jackpots had been hit in a particular game, one could narrow when and where to buy tickets at plus odds.

Something about them not being truly randomized and a system to spread the winners out amongst sellers.

So basically akin to card counting. Not a guaranteed win every time but favorable conditions. It was publicly available info and certainly not a six deck shoe with short reshuffles. Just needed to do the math.

That old couple one was insane. They had to play huge numbers so they found or somehow influenced where machines were placed where they could run generated entries through at a high rate. They’d drive halfway across the country too.

Ran my stack up to 658 at 1/3 in an hour and a half. Now at 1/2 PLO.


I’ve played live PLO 3 times in my life all of which I have donked off 2 buy ins in the first hour each time. Really hoping the 4th time is the charm. Good luck Bruce!

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After over an hour at the table, won my first pot, also the first hand I put chips into the pot after the flop.

I made a loose call OTB with K776ss against a limp/fold, a pot-sized raise and a caller. Flop came 543r, no backdoor flush draw. Checked to me, I bet 30 and took it down.

Looks like they’re on to you


9 handed bomb pot for $20. Flop is A :heart: K :heart: 6 :heart: .

MP bets 75. I jam for 330 effective with AAJT and the T :heart:

Villain tank-folds, showing the table J :heart: 5 :heart:

I show AAT, leaving my last card down. The guy has been mostly staring into the distance since. This is the image I have crafted in 150 minutes.


I would be not happy at all if people were folding the second nuts to me for $250 in small stakes live.


Yea, but NBZ just murdered that dude. It’s his thing.

I’m showing him my hand before he folds. That board is clearly filling up on the turn.

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I just raised and took down the blinds preflop in a PLO game.

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Same guy as before. Straddled pot with five players. I have QJT9ss. Flop is Q93 and I have a backdoor flush draw. I pot, he calls, everyone else folds. Turn is a 4. I pot, he folds and shows 99. Asian guy says he folded 33.


Go to bed.


Game is still okay. That guy was apparently super weak-tight postflop.

Was playing in the tournament with a guy who familiar with Horseshoe Hammond . He said the dealers are horrible. I play there a few times a year and since I like train wrecks, I’m tempted to go over there as soon as I have a reason to travel to Chicago.

I made that one guy rack up and storm off when I hit a gutter on the river.

Half our table has been replaced in the last fifteen minutes.

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The laid everyone off and couldn’t get most of them back.